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October 6, 2008

Random Comics News Story Round-Up

* this is the first I've seen from Gareb Shamus on the departure late last week of longtime Wizard Entertainment fixture Fred Pierce, although I have to admit I haven't been looking very diligently.

image* I was totally unaware that the Christian market novelist Ted Dekker was also doing graphic novels and that they apparently sold quite well.

* we're doomed.

* if you're into superhero comics either to read them or stare at them and the culture that surrounds them, then the fine distinctions made by superhero fans between nostalgic comics that work and ones that don't can make for some fascinating reading. It's an easy topic to explore, because the two recent (well, last decade) X-Men revamps by Grant Morrison (in New X-Men) and Joss Whedon (in Astonishing X-Men) were both fiercely nostalgic and directly recalled the late-'70s and early-'80s X-Men comics, to very different results.

* the comics business news and analysis site notes that the Comic Shop Locator Service has now been updated to include the utilization of Google Maps, although I guess this really just means like you save 1.2 seconds not doing it yourself.

* seriously: we're totally doomed.

* with Art Spiegelman on a fairly extensive book tour in support of Breakdowns and his forthcoming Toon Books project, you can expect a lot of interviews like this one. Spiegelman is one of comics' all-time great talkers.

* finally, the first half of this article, which lets us know that teenager in Vietnam like to look at sex stuff the same way that teenagers everywhere in the universe have liked to since someone was drawing dirty cave paintings, isn't very interesting. The second half, where the article gets into details about how the publishers skirted the approval process for their work and will be punished, very much is.
posted 7:30 am PST | Permalink

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