The unpromised land

Dandelion Salad

Ian Williams
Thursday June 5 2008

Obama’s eagerness to placate America’s Israel lobby shows the Democratic party’s presidential nominee in a poor light

Imagine the shock-horror: Barack Obama attends the conference of an organisation whose former officials face trial for spying on the United States!

It would be all over the blogs, except that John McCain and Hillary Clinton were attending the AIPAC conference this week in Washington DC as well, pandering to the lobby that will get you accused of anti-Semitism if you quote its own website about its power.

This non-lobby has always harassed politicians into compliance – who now remembers the way they hounded Hillary Clinton for years as a crypto-Palestinian supporter? It works. Whatever the lobby asks for, she now gives them 50% cent more. And Obama gave them 100% extra.


h/t: ICH

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AIPAC, Israel, Iran and the candidates + Obama courts Israel lobby