May 16, 2007

Even Tony Snow can’t explain the ‘war czar’

The White House has finally found its “war czar” — Bush reportedly offered Lt. Gen. Douglas Lute the job, which Lute accepted. As a matter of policy, it’s not at all clear what the “czar” is going to do — or even be able to do — especially given that Lute appears to disagree with the policy he’s going to help oversee.

But even if we put all of that aside, it’s clear the Bush gang hasn’t thought through the politics of this little endeavor. From the moment this search for a war czar was leaked, this has been an embarrassment for the White House. It reinforces the perception that the president and his team are hopelessly incompetent, indicates that the current leadership is inept, and suggests that the administration believes one more layer of upper-management is what stands between them and success.

What’s more, it leads to questions the White House simply can’t answer.

A reporter asked White House press secretary Tony Snow today why it has “taken so long to come up with someone” of Lute’s “seniority and stature.”

The truthful answer, of course, is that at least five other generals with more seniority and more stature turned down the job before the White House offered it to Lute.

But that’s not the answer Snow gave today. What Snow said is this:

“I don’t know. I mean, I think what happened is — again, as you’re taking a review, it became clear to us that this — as you develop — as you move into a new phase of the war, keep in mind we are still in the process of deploying people in this ‘new way forward,’ as the president called it. And therefore it seems proper at a time like this also to task somebody with the job of keeping an eye on all the different players who are involved in it.

This, of course, led to an obvious follow-up: “Do you think this is a new need and that you did not need someone to do this for the previous four years?” Snow said, “I’m not going to try to — I don’t know. It’s — I don’t have an answer for you.”

What a surprise.

Look, let’s not forget the context here. News broke about the search for a war czar five weeks ago. The White House saw these questions coming from a mile away and had ample time to come up with a coherent explanation.

But pressed on basic points — why bring in a war czar now, what took so long to find someone — the White House is completely stumped. They simply have no idea how to explain this.

Usually the vaunted White House Communications Office can come up with something better than, “I don’t have an answer for you.”

I suppose I should feel some sympathy for Snow on these questions. If he says, “Yes, the need for a war czar is now high,” he’s effectively conceding that the wars are going badly and getting worse. If he says, “No, the need for a czar is the same as it’s always been,” he’s effectively conceding that the White House needed someone to tackle this job more than four years ago, but they didn’t get around to it. So, we’re left with, “I don’t know.”

This is a cringe-worthy embarrassment for the entire administration. This isn’t to pick on Snow, per se, but rather to marvel at the breathtaking incompetence of this whole endeavor.

Via TP, Iraq veteran and national security analyst Phillip Carter writes, “How broken is the U.S. national security apparatus that we need a ‘czar’ to run it? Is the NSC that f***ed up that it needs a 3-star with some juice in the Pentagon to make things work? (This is a rhetorical question; the only possible answer is yes.) Or are the agencies that stubborn? (Again, yes.) … Could it be that we have the greatest military in the world, capped by the most ineffective and bloated bureaucracy ever created?”

I think we know the answer to that one.


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On May 16th, 2007 at 2:50 pm, Bill Jacobs said:

Scott, Scott, Scott.

Where art thou?
Surely, you would have weaved a finer tapestry than this!

How I miss your wincing dance, Mr. McClellan.
Snow’s shoes cannot fill yours.

On May 16th, 2007 at 2:52 pm, Ohioan said:

Is the NSC that f***ed up…


On the other hand, our “Commander Guy” is.

On May 16th, 2007 at 2:52 pm, ROTFLMLiberalAO said:

…we are still in the process of deploying people in this ‘new way forward,’ as the president called it.


I think Plan Z (as in cZar) works better than…
Plan “New Way Forward.”

Don’t you?


In the time it took me to type this… this country blew another $50,000 in Iraq. If I had checked for typos, it would have been $100,000.

On May 16th, 2007 at 2:56 pm, -jay inge- said:

Appointing a “war czar” makes it appear as if you are doing something while actually doing nothing. ‘Course if Jesus II (Bush), Dobson, and the Reug neomajority decide to bomb Iran, the guy could become rather busy.

On May 16th, 2007 at 3:03 pm, Mark said:

Lute is just chaff, the cloud of metallic strips fired to decoy an incoming terminal homer. In its extremeties, the White House will now do anything to appear proactive on the war, in charge of things. In fact, the tipping point passed a long, long time ago, and they are merely reacting to the enemy’s tactics. Anyone with military experience will tell you that is the path to defeat.

Bush hasn’t got to the point of walking around in a lab coat and carrying a clipboard (holding nothing but a collection of fart jokes and some chainsaw advertisements) in his attempt to look busy and engaged….but wait for it.

On May 16th, 2007 at 3:07 pm, Dee Loralei said:

I always thought the “war Czar” was the commander in Chief? The Sec Def? Admiral Fallon, running both wars? At the very least, isn’t this the job of the NSC? Have we in fact proven that Steven Hadley is the “second stupidist f*&% in the world”? Speechless, I am…… And you’re right, the irony here is that Tony Snow had at least 5 weeks to come up with a reason we needed one.

On May 16th, 2007 at 3:10 pm, RentedMule said:

#6 Dee’s point is precisely correct. The QUESTION that Snowjob should have been asked is “aren’t the responsibilities you are describing the duties of the Commander in Chief?” With of follow-on of “Is president bush admitting that he is incapable of carrying out these duties?”

On May 16th, 2007 at 3:27 pm, bjobotts said:

Why is it the Republicans always end up spending more and wasting more money every time the get into office when they are so against waste and spending. The Dems always have to bail us out. The blue states always have to bail out the red states via the federal government.. Why a war czar? Is he gonna get an assistant, a council? Where does it end? Maybe the Czar is needed not for what is and has been, but for what will be such as the upcoming war with Iran. That could be why he needed a czar ‘now’.

On May 16th, 2007 at 3:46 pm, The answer is orange said:

The SpinTronic3000 (TM) wheezed to a shuddering halt today, sending waves of panic and despair through the White Haus.

I suppose I should feel some sympathy for Snow on these questions.

With all due respect: Why the hell should you do that?

On May 16th, 2007 at 3:53 pm, rege said:

I played devil’s advocate near the end of the last war czar thread. I think it provides a plausible explanation of what may be happening. You can read it here.

On May 16th, 2007 at 4:14 pm, nuglet304 said:

i think the ‘snow slogan’ might just save this administration. and i’d be willing to pitch in to have some t-shirts printed up for all of em…

mr bush, what the hell have you done to this country?

“i don’t have an answer for you.”

mr cheney?

“read the t-shirt, my man.”

On May 16th, 2007 at 4:20 pm, The sister said:

Well at least he didn’t offer Dana’s stock answer of, “that’s a ridiculous question”.

On May 16th, 2007 at 4:59 pm, ScottW said:

Maybe some reporter could ask Tony what the difference between ‘War Czar’ and ‘Commander in Chief’ is, cause I would like to know.

On May 16th, 2007 at 5:05 pm, Racerx said:

CB: I suppose I should feel some sympathy for Snow on these questions.

Orange: With all due respect: Why the hell should you do that?

Me too. If he went over to Iraq and got blown up with an IED I would offer him some sympathy. But he sends other people to suffer that fate, and smiles and lies and smiles some more, meanwhile people are dying.

The man is a lying scumbag who works for murderers.

No sympathy.

On May 16th, 2007 at 5:11 pm, Alibubba said:

Can we now have a Competence Czar?”

On May 16th, 2007 at 5:32 pm, Jessica Flowers said:

The new “I don’t know” strategy is that Snow has no reason to give a coherent answer. Ratings are at the bottom. Everything is falling apart. Why bother? Why even bother to lie?

Is anyone outside of the blogosphere even listening to what Snow has to say?

On May 16th, 2007 at 5:43 pm, Goldilocks said:

ROTFLMLiberalAO @3,

You type a heck of a fast. You know it’s running at nigh on $1,000,000 a minute now? It is ($124 billion over 3 months).

On May 16th, 2007 at 6:12 pm, ROTFLMLiberalAO said:


Pardon my “misunderestimation.”
I had a Bush moment….

On May 17th, 2007 at 4:27 am, oddfellow said:

If snowball doesn’t know why doesn’t he just shut the F–k up.??