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15 years ago

I took the test last week and I was a Thinker. I’m sure that my secondary one would be Fighter though.

15 years ago

LMAO @ Swanson’s post. There’s a shocker. Our News Hound giving you your first hit!! =-D

15 years ago

According to the test, I am a “Fighter”. (Who? Me?) ;^P

Dennis in CA
Dennis in CA
15 years ago

Jack,Great show, you make me think outside the box. I have taken the same test on the Glen Beck.com site and it said that I was a believer. It also results were that I believed that God had a plan for me. It was right to a point but I also agree with you that we all should have a little of each of these traits to survive. In most situations I do move through all five types before ending at the solution. Most people that have 401’s or IRAs in mutual funds have the ability to move their money around inside of their fund without paying any charges if its a no load fund.
Louisiana’s Gov Bobby Jindal said he was not taking all the Stimulus money, no to the funds for unemployment and yes on the Highway funding, while on Meet The Press Sunday (2-22-09).

15 years ago

can i have a salute of the week?

15 years ago

Haley Barbour is the governer of Mississippi

15 years ago

Here’s a link to where Swanson posts excerpts from the book. It outlines each personality type and defines its qualities. =-]

Richard In NZ
15 years ago

I’m with you Jack, a Realist with attributes of the other 4 thrown in for good measure.

15 years ago

So mutual funds are too regulated and weighed down to work in our interests. What about ETF’s? Any assets and managers that you can buy these days that will survive inflation and really get pick you up on the bounce.

15 years ago

Could not find your area for taking the test

15 years ago

To survive
Get your weapon and be prepared
Know how to hunt for food,,meat and herbs
Find a fresh supply of water
Find a hidden place that is warm and dry
Know everything and everyone that is around you and be 3 steps ahead of them
Never trust what you see, but won’t you don’t see
Be ready and willing to do anything to survive