HostingRealm is running a contest with all sorts of prizes. The prizes are comprised of shared hosting accounts, reseller hosting accounts, virtual private servers, dedicated servers, and more!

Prizes for the contest

How It Works

Now that you have read the prizes and are hooked on the contest, let's explain how it works.

This contest will last forty five days, and end on July 16, 2008. All of the prize drawings will be done randomly. Drawings will be held in a chat room, the location is to be announced at a later point. Each point is one entry in the drawing. You can obtain more entries in the drawing by accumulating more points.

You can earn points in many ways:
  • Any social bookmark (Digg, StumbleUpon, Furl, Delicious, etc.) is worth one point
  • Making a blog post about this contest on your site in your own words is worth two points
  • Making a blog post about this contest on your site by using our post is worth three points
  • Subscribing to our newsletter is worth one point
Stay tuned for more ways to earn points, they will be announced during the next few weeks via the newsletter and with posts there.

When you have completed one of these tasks, leave a comment here saying what you have done and post URL's so they may verify it.

Good luck to everyone!