Over 1,225 episodes, "Dark Shadows" was a highly atmospheric, spooky soap that featured gothic horror staples like vampires, monsters, witches, werewolves, ghosts and zombies. The show has a continuing rabid fan base that populates Dark Shadows Festival conventions....says THIS ARTICLE. There have been several iterations of DARK SHADOWS since it left the air. Barnabas was most recently played by Alec Newman. Geeks may remember Newman as Paul Atreides / Muad'Dib. That Variety quote above inadvertently evokes images of VAN HELSING - whose concept also allowed for many supernatural characters and conceits. As long as Depp & Co. avoid the same self indulgence and excess Stephen Sommers fell into with that film...this could be a lot of fun. I like the voice over on this trailer. He talks like Moriarty.