
Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Mystery Date

Hello! Are you ready for your Mystery Date? You will never guess where your going! A Picnic, a Formal Dance, Skating, the Beach! you will just have to play the game to find out! You will never know where it is for sure until you open the door!

I saw a revamped version of the board game, Mystery Date in Target over the weekend. Anyone around my age can remember the 70s-80s version above. Oh, how I wanted the brown-haired stud to take me to the formal dance.

Pluuueeeezzze be behind the door!

Today's RE appointment felt A LOT like a mystery date.

How strange it was to sit down with a huge binder and pick your future child's genetic donor. Strange indeed.

I admit, I was a bit nervous. The Donor Coordinator (she was so cute and perky) gave me the instructions on how the binder was set up. Then she brought me a drink, a notepad, and pen.

"I'll be back in an hour to check on you. If you have any questions beyond each 20 page dossier, write them down, and I can call the donor for answers while your looking."

Wow, I thought... fast service.

So it was just me and about 40 in-house profiles. I was hoping to find at least a few in-house donors, to cut down on the travel costs and such. And I was not disappointed. Since I did not restrict myself on a lot of the visual characteristics, I narrowed down to 6 profiles within about 90 minutes.

I did have some 'deal breakers', however. Not going to go into serious detail here, but there was one profile I loved, but she had a specific medical concern in her family that was my deal breaker. That one, sadly, went back into the binder.

I was bowled over by some of the meticulous details provided. At the end of each packet it was as if I had a visual drawing in my head of each donor. One particular packet caught my eye. She wrote it as if I wrote it myself. She was almost me, but 15 years younger, and with brown eyes. I didn't think it was possible.

Nurse V called two of the donors for me with regards to the questions I had. Both donors provided answers within 10 minutes.

It was as if they were waiting by the phone.

For a date.

In the end, I brought home four profiles. Each one very different in their own way, and all having special reasons why I chose them.

This is finally real to me now.

I'm about to open the door and go to The Dance.