Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Paradise By The Dashboard Lights

I was walking this evening(12 blocks!) when the song, "Paradise by the Dashboard Lights" by Meatloaf~1977, "Bat Out Of Hell" Album, played on my iPod.

It reminded me that long long long ago couples used to go parking. Parking, for those of you who forget or are too young to remember, is driving your car and a member of the opposite sex( Come on people! it was 1978, I don't have to be politically correct) to a remote spot and parking the car, turning off the engine but leaving the radio( YES! the radio) on.

Then there's a bit of small talk, playfulness leading to serious "making out". Making out consists of kissing, and kissing and kissing. Lots of kissing. (Lord, how I miss those days of kissing just to kiss!)

The kissing might lead to touching above the waist. Usually if the couple is fairly well-acquainted. This means the couple did not hook up 20 minutes before at a kegger and don't know each other's last names. Usually they've been dating. Yes good old fashioned dating where the question was to kiss or not to kiss on the first date. Oral sex was NEVER mentioned. Never. Anywhere. Not in my little Midwest world in the 70's. Married couples may have been swinging but teenagers dated.

Sex on the first date was for outdated stoned hippies and NOT the children of the late 1970's. Nope. Girls who did that were the ones we talked about behind our hands and giggled at when they walked by. Heck. I never said we were nice. We were cliquish upper middle class high school students. There was strict social structure.

My first love and I adored the song "Paradise by the Dashboard Lights". We turned it up everytime time we heard it. It is a song that brings back sharp clear memories of him and the insides of his car and other things. Snerk.

Now finally, to the point, my first love told me his mother thought the song was about baseball. There's a section of the song where the Yankees' long time announcer does a play by play of what is happening on the field of play~the car. I believed my bf believed his mom thought that. I, however, knew she could not be even close to that stupid. It's very clear by the background sounds what is going on.

Aren't sons funny about their moms??


Speedcat Hollydale said...


Yes, you reminded me of making out. I wonder if I even remember how ????

I used to kiss for hours on end, seems so funny now.

My Camaro was the tool in the parking stops, and I had songs in my tape case to go with.

I even had a Fonzie type leather jacket and a mullet.


Ohhh the old days

so nice to see you in Hollydale :-)

dykewife said...

ah, the good olde days of watching the submarine races (regardless of there was a body of water within miles of the parking spot or not).

Flutterby said...

Oh yes hon... people can be that stupid! Especially when they do not want to acknowledge things that are going on, lol.

Anonymous said...

I recently "rediscovered" that song after not having listened to it in probably 10 years. It was one of the only songs that I could drag Willem onto the dance floor with, back in the days when I still bothered to try to get him to dance with me, so I had a certain vague fondness for it.

Then I listened to the words. It's a HORRIBLE song. All about wishing for the end of time so he can get away from this woman. Ugh.

Janet said...

I think it's the funniest song ever. I love Meatloaf. The best song off that album is "For Crying Out Loud."
Yeah, I'm sure that boyfriend never accepted the fact of how he was brought into the world. "My Mom never had sex!!!!!"

jeanie said...

Ah - see, being a decade younger I am nostalgic for your dating years, not mine...