Monday, December 29, 2008

Lost in Calendar Limbo

Normally the last ten to fourteen days of the year are the real gift of Christmas. Business slows to a crawl and we enjoy day after day of family quality time. Steve may pop in to work for a day or two, but the overall feeling of suspended time is not affected. By the time January 2 rolls around, we're all ready to hit the ground running for the new year.

This year's holiday calendar is playing a lousy trick on us. The year is not over but today felt like it was business as usual, back to work and the old grind. My email started filling back up and Steve went back to work. New Year's eve is just sandwiched in to a regular week. The kids just could not understand why the Christmas tree is still up and why they were not going to school. When I told them they had another 9 days of vacation, they thought I was joking. Then Jack asked me if Easter was next week. Their calendars are completely bamboozled.

Somewhere in the vacuum of time, days have been stolen from me. Pajama-all-day days with movies on the couch and hot chocolate with marshmallows. I'm hoping that this means next December we'll get a full two weeks of break time or that at least New Year's eve will feel extra relaxing. Because right now, I'm nowhere near ready to face 2009.


Zip n Tizzy said...

Technically you have 2 more days.
Throw some confetti about, that'll get you going ;)

Jessica R. said...

Clearly we should have stayed another week. I need more time on your couch with hot chocolate and marshmallows too!

Amanda said...

You need our calendar. My husband and oldest have been off school since Dec 19th, and no one will return until January 5th. I'm ready to have my schedule back even if it means the bus stop in the cold at 8am 5 days a week.

Michelle said...

I miss my schedule. I am ready for the kids to go back to school next week. The holidays are great but it will be nice to get back to "normal".

Abby said...

I made my first appointment today since the break. Tuesday I have to be at the doctor's office at 10 am. Why does that feel so early?

Dawn said...

I'm soooo ready for our routine to be back!!

I like filling in my calendar with all the regular things we do each week.


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