Multithreaded Programming with Java Technology Review

Multithreaded Programming with Java Technology
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Multithreaded Programming with Java Technology ReviewThe first 150 pages (one third) of this book have little to do with Java. Rather, it is a port of the authors' previous book on POSIX. It talks about three main platforms (Solaris, Digital, and Wintel) and goes into great detail as to how a Java VM uses each OS's primitives to offer Java synchronization. Why?
The authors show bias towards Solaris, and they spend a great amount of time focusing on how you can get the right number of LWPs on Solaris.
If I'm buying a Java book, I'm programming to the Java VM and could care less if Digital Unix gives you one light-weight process per CPU plus one for each outstanding system call. I also don't care about making native calls to the OS under Solaris.
The introduction suggests that multitheading offers increased speed by running on Parellel hardware. I think what people are really looking for is increased responsiveness. Most computers are single-CPU.
The authors are experts in their areas, and they do cover eventually cover multithreading in a no-nonsense manner, with the target audience being the advanced programmer. Don't be annoyed by thier constantly saying, "no, you don't want to do that. Don't do that", and then telling you why in a few more chapters.Multithreaded Programming with Java Technology OverviewJava offers powerful multithreading capabilities -- even on operating systems that offer no inherent multithreading support. Multithreading gives Java developers a powerful tool for dramatically improving the responsiveness and performance of their programs. Now there's a complete guide to multithreaded programming with the Java 2 platform, written by multithreaded programming experts Bil Lewis and Daniel J. Berg. Start by understanding the rationale, fundamental concepts and foundations of multithreading, including the structures upon which threads are built, thread construction and lifecycles. Then, using extensive code examples, you'll master thread scheduling models; synchronization variables; and learn how to solve complex synchronization problems. The authors explain thread-specific data, and demonstrate how to leverage OS libraries to make Java multithreading more effective. They also cover multithreaded program design, interactions with RMI, tools for building threaded programs; and advanced techniques for maximizing thread performance.

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