Rachel Maddow Show: The Politics of Palin

Dandelion Salad


Rachel reports on how the drip, drip, drip of Palin combined with the electricity over her campaign might make for an explosive reaction once those two realities collide. Palin used tax payer money to pay for her to stay in her own home, and troopergate is not over yet. Michael Isikoff weighs in on where the scandals surrounding Palin might be headed and whether Palin is still cooperating with investigations now that the McCain staff has gotten involved with them.

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7 thoughts on “Rachel Maddow Show: The Politics of Palin

  1. Pingback: Reflections on Sarah Palin’s Qualifications To Be Vice President By Gary Corseri « Dandelion Salad

  2. Well, they are not working like I thought, when using IE there’s no sound. The videos work fine using Firefox (at least at this moment). So something is still going wrong. I tried a Google video and it also had no sound but the video played. Hope they fix it soon.

  3. There’s a problem with the video activating; the arrow does not work. Not sure if it’s on your end or mine……..

  4. Pingback: One Day in Wasilla David Brickner + Entire message delivered to Wasilla Church « Dandelion Salad

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