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BeenroundawhilebutIonlyjustheardthem: Caribou August 19, 2007

Posted by alexd in Been round a while but I hadn't heard of until recently, BeenAroundButIOnlyJustGotIntoThem, Music, Video.

Hi guys (and girls), I’m back here’s a quick post on one of the songs that has been ricocheting around my cranium for the last… ooh 48 hours?

Despite average reviews of the album the single of Andorra by Caribou is amazing. Utterly gobsmackingly amazing. A simple driving bass drum pounds continuously through the song, routing it enough for ethereal melodies and chords to float and swirl ever upwards. You would never guess without prior knowledge that Caribou was an electronic knob twister with this being a product of a change in direction. Now sounding like Battles on a trip or maybe the fore-mentioned jamming with Midlake.

Even more amazingly this dreamy psych rock song was forged in the bowls of a nebula but safely in a leafy city suburb by one man, a condenser mike and a computer by the looks of this BBC Collective video. Regarde.

Reminded me to try and sort out my own condenser mike. The video for this song is also quite fantastic.

Caribou- Melody Day

Oh and just before the obvious stuff you want below. My i mention my ventures into capitalism. I opened up an Amazon a-store cleverly named “Dirtybronson Dirty Deals” (alliteration kicks arse!(Just realised how poor my grammer is)). Although I believe it is a dangerous coup to monopolise the Internet, I got one as all the cool kids had one and I wasn’t in the mood for being a dissenter. Please for the sake of my poverty stricken, (unborn) children have a browse of all the lovely stuff that I like and believe is worth spending a small percentage of your wage on.

And purchase tickets for Caribous upcoming gigs. The one with Architecture in Helsinki looks fun.

MP3: Caribou- Melody Day [highly recommended]

Myspace: Caribou should be more popular as they’ve been round a while

Website: www.caribou.fm <– lovely site btw


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