Saturday, September 13, 2008

Hurricane Ike

A gallery of photos cataloging the destruction left in Ike's wake, taken by Austin American Statesman can be seen here.

The Red Cross:

  • Has 25 mobile kitchens moving into the ike affected areas, ready to serve up to 500,000 meals.

  • Are ready with 1 million ready to eat meals for those impacted by Ike.

  • Have 2, 000 disaster relief workers on the ground. 1,400 more on their way to help those affected by Ike.
Here in Mississippi on Thursday Morning the Gulf of Mexico rose up about a block from where it normally gently laps the shore. Roads, bridges and homes were flooded. During high tide it was impossible to get in or out of my neighborhood. This flooding continued through Friday until Ike made landfall in Texas several hundred miles away. We did not get any rain that I know of the flooding was the entire Gulf of Mexico being pushed inland. The storm was so big it lifted the Gulf up and pushed that enormous body of water about a block inland. It was unbelievable to see.

It has been my experience here on the Gulf that the Red Cross does excellent work. If you are inspired to help, donating to the Red Cross is one option that I can tell you will make a difference here today and in future tragedies.


Kimberly said...

That storm was huge. The same happened to my parents in Florida. So far all we are getting is wind and cool temperatures...but I think that is from a cold front, not Ike. Thank goodness we did not get the rain, it would have flooded here too. Glad your safe!

Sheila said...

Just doing some catching up. Congrats on the job! it sounds like it has a lot of flexibility and if you can still volunteer, you have the best of both worlds.

Glad you all weathered the storm too. It must be scary living so close. I know when we lived in Houston, weather this time of year was always on our minds.

Funny thing, even here in the midwest, we had bad flooding over the weekend.

Cynthia said...

Yep, I am in the Midwest as well...water like I have never seen!

Congrats on the job:)

Unknown said...

We had enormous waves here in Pensacola the Thursday/Friday before Ike made landfall. Unbelievable how big they were! Lots of flooding issues here too. Amazing how huge this storm was.