Monday, August 4, 2008

No Verdict on the London Tube Bombings

This week, the jury in the trial of three suspects associated with the London tube bombings on July 7, 2005, was dismissed after it failed to reach a verdict. The judge chose to discharge the jury on Friday after it deliberated for two weeks without a conclusion. However, it seems unlikely that this will be the end of the proceedings; according to the BBC, the prosecutors plan to retry the defendants.

Evidence has shown that the three men, Waheed Ali, Sadeer Saleem, and Mohammed Shakil joined the bombing plot's leader, Mohammad Sidique Khan, on a trip to London in 2004, during which the group allegedly investigated the security mechanisms in the city. While there is no proof that the three were directly involved in the 2005 underground suicide bombings, which killed 52 people, prosecutors claim that they "shared the same objectives" as the perpetrators and were aware of the attack. The defendents assert their innocence, maintaining that their 2004 trip was for leisure only (although they do not deny their connection to the now deceased Mohammad Sidique Khan). The men also voiced their belief that the bombings were un-Islamic. They are the only suspects who have been tried for involvement in the attacks.

Source: The BBC

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