Monday, November 10, 2008

Hooters, Dreams and Standing Up

All week I've been snippy, sulky and weepy, so today let's take a look at a few of the things that made me smile in the past week:
  • The other night, while letting the not-as-hairless Boston Baked Beagle outside, I saw a stout, feathered creature fly up from the yard when I turned on the outside light. I stared up in the trees, we're always on the lookout for birds of prey, since Yoda could easily be mistaken for a tasty morsel. Luckily, what I saw wasn't a big, hungry hawk, but a tiny (about five to six inches tall) Eastern Screech Owl. I always get excited when I spot wild things in the actual wild. (And yes, my backyard could be considered wilderness.)
  • BBC America re-ran the Graham Norton Show with Eddie Izzard and the evil baboons. I laughed all over again. Love them.
  • Thursday night, I had a freaky sex dream about Thelma's Bubbahubby. Okay so, the actual dream didn't make me happy. I woke up feeling kinda gross. I don't even sorta like him. He's a flaming racist and control freak. However, I told Lulu about the dream around three that afternoon, which made her snort, giggle and stomp her foot in an effort to catch her breath. That.. was pretty entertaining, but then, about ten minutes after I returned to my desk, I got a call from Lulu. "Mahala.. did you see who just walked in? Thelma's Bubbahubby!!!" It was tres weird. It's been at least six months since he's come by for a visit.
  • I was able to get some writing done, which feels nice.

Anywho, I've also done some extreme soul searching this weekend. No longer will I quietly agree when my co-workers start passing judgement on each other for their church's beliefs, when they speak ill of the dead or when they start preaching to me about my politics. If they engage me in conversation, they undoubtedly want my opinion, right?

Every year we attend meetings on harassment, which include segments on racism, sexual harassment and religious topics. My rights are as valid as theirs. From now on, when the GM uses the "N" word, even in the context of what he thinks is a joke, I'm speaking up. I dare them to fire me. I'll own the damn place if they do. Hell, I might even get my hours back.

My ancestors, racially varied and of every religion you can think of, saw their families killed, were put on ships as slaves and suffered their entire lives because they refused to be forced to change their religious beliefs. What kind of wussy am I if I don't stand up for my beliefs in this day and age?

I keep thinking God put me in this podunk town for a reason. Maybe this is it.

Now.. I'm going to run to town for milk and bread (who keeps eating all the farkin' bread??) I'll probably stop by the post office and take my over due library books back too, then tomorrow it's back to the Asylum.

Ya'll have a great one. We'll talk again soon.

Later Taters!


Anonymous said...

You go, girl!!!

kenju said...

I hope you will speak up. I work with some people who use that word occasionally, and since my boss doesn't ever use that kind of language, I wonder why he tolerates it from his family. They are lovely people - except for that.

Traci Dolan said...

Mahala, I wish you the best of luck. I wouldn't expect any miracles, I would just expect to feel better that they know how you feel and that you own it, meaning using "I" a lot as far as how you feel, versus attacking how they feel.

Good for you. It takes a lot of guts. A lot. I would love to work with you!

Me said...

I work in my own asylum now and I smile because your nicknames could easily describe the cast of characters I have now too! LOL.

BetteJo said...

Um .. where did the hooters come into it? Am I too literal?

Mahala said...

bettejo.. owls.. hooters.. *grin*

Anonymous said...

You write with wit and style about (some of) the folks in the “holler” who are ignorant, inbred, vindictive, intolerant, racist, narrow minded yokels. Do you really think it is wise to challenge them at work? Racism is emotional not rational even among racists who are otherwise fairly bright. As for owning the asylum, have you ever looked into lawsuits involving workplace issues? It is a major uphill battle and you would need at least twenty grand to mount a sustainable lawsuit. I would advise (nothing like unsolicited advice right?) being content with not adding to the babble and considering the source when offensive remarks are made. Of course, I do admire those who are willing to risk jobs and sometimes personal safety on principle. If I thought taking a stand would make any difference at all, I might be more inclined to encourage you but a lifetime of experience tells me otherwise. I know the definition of evil is when good men (and women) do nothing, but please, pick your fights carefully and never start one you have little chance of winning.