Saturday, November 15, 2008

Shopping Trips and Exposed Nips

It's rainy and gray in the holler today. I'm sorta rainy and gray too, but I'm working on that.

I got off work yesterday, made a pit stop at the bank, then home and on to Scary Hillbilly Town without missing a beat. First stop was CVS. I'm trying to head off this funky nose crud which is kicking my FMF in to over drive, so I needed to pick up some meth lab decongestants. They had Ma's particular brand of peed-a-little pads on sale too, so I got her two ginormous packs. The lady at the drug counter was so sweet, as I stood there breaking out in a cold sweat, my face glowing red and trying not to look like a meth addict.

I'm so sexay-sexay.

A quick explanation, since some of you have emailed and asked for more information about FMF: With FMF, any kind of injury or infection sends your body's normal reaction into overdrive, causing freaky fevers for little or no reason. There are lots of other fun skin eruptions and symptoms, including amyloidosis which is the buildup of excess protein in various joints and tissues. Treatment with colchicine keeps that part in check.

Like I said: I'm a sexay mutha fecker

After CVS, I went to Sav-A-Lot. I'd never been there before, but Thelma and Louise said they had better deals on meat and produce than the grocery store here. It looked a little scary, there are always shady characters hanging around in front, but I decided to chance it.

It was stinky in there ya'll. The produce was all bruised up and cost just as much as the shiny stuff at our local store. The meat had that brown tinge to it. I looked around then left. If the prices had actually been cheaper, I might have chanced it, but I got way better prices when I left there and headed to WallyWorld.

I had to have ink for my printer and Ma needed Cokes, so I decided I'd go ahead and pick up a few groceries there. I was so proud.. I got a 3lb package of Kraft Deli Deluxe cheese for $11.80. 1lb at the local grocery is almost $5.. so I got a deal. I stopped on the way out and got some gas ($1.89 a gallon! OhEmGee!!)

Fulfilling Ma's request, I stopped at Wendy's and picked up cheeseburgers for dinner and finally headed home.

Lawd have mercy, I felt like I'd been beaten with a 2 x 4 when I finally got to sit down. The Amazon went to bed early, she had to work this morning, so I put my feet up and read for a while. I finished "Don't Sweat the Small Stuff" earlier in the week and I'm about half way through "Yesterday I Cried" by Iyanla Vanzant. I saw Iyanla on Oprah years ago and loved her instantly. I've read some of her other books and I recommend anything she's written to anyone who needs a lesson in survival and empowerment.

I had weird dreams about Sarah Palin all night (WTF?) she was everywhere, on every t.v. channel, on billboards, the newspaper with this deer in the headlights look and her lips constantly moving. It was like I was being stalked by the Stepford Palin. (This is not a statement of my political beliefs under the guise of a dream. I'm serious. It was scary. I hope equal time regulations don't apply to dreamy time, I have NO desire to spend the night with Joe Biden tip-toeing through the tulips of my subconscious.)

I was graced early this Saturday morning, one of only two mornings when I don't have to get out of bed and make myself presentable, with the presence of my trashy big boobed cousin with the lazy eye's youngin. Ma didn't tell me she was coming until she was in the driveway. I was standing in the kitchen, in front of the stove scrambling some eggs with my untied robe, boobs flopping freely.

I snapped on Ma for not offering me the simple courtesy of informing me that maybe I should put some damned clothes on.

But anywho...

I'm not planning on doing anything too heavy duty this weekend. I'm going to give my creaky joints a rest and maybe do some writing. Yesterday's work-all-day, shop-all-night marathon was all the exertion I can handle for a day or two.

I hope ya'll have a dream filled weekend, free of politicians and drama

Later Taters!


raven_60 said...

I wonder when you are going to get around to writing your own best seller? I really think you have a shot. You are a wonderful humorist!

Mahala said...

Aww thanks! I am currently working on a collection of short stories, focusing on adjusting to life in the holler. I plan to self publish on and then pimp the hell out of it here on Hidden Mahala :)

Jeni said...

Great recommendation there of any books by Iyania Vanzant! Both my daughter Mandy and I have read most, if not all the books she's written and we both really like her work very much! A dream with even a glimpse of Sarah Palin in it would indeed be a nightmare in my book!

BetteJo said...

I've taken to putting on one of those stretchy don't-make-ya-look-like-nothin' sports bras around the house. Comfortable, but the gals are still reined in for unexpected visitors.

poopie said...

I did the marathon work and dollar store shopping thing as well. Don't it just wear our old asses OUT?

kenju said...

Raven is right!!!

I didn't do nuthin' today except clean out more files in my office. I'm trying to declutter, but it will take a year, I guess, to get rid of it all.

Anonymous said...

Must be a do nothing weekend for all. I didn't even bring work home this weekend, nor did I get the bathroom cleaned, the floor washed or my sheets and towels washed and fluffed.

I did however pick up a Dean Koontz book and watched "Forgetting Sarah Marshall". (Its full of male frontal nudity by the way.)

Yeah it was a good weekend to relax.

Traci Dolan said...

I've had an amazing relaxing weekend. I can't wait to read your short stories! And, our Sav-A-Lot doesn't have great meat but does have great prices on everything but meat. And it actually tastes good!