Small Business Tax Filing: Forms You Need to Avoid an IRS Tax Debt

It is tax time again... Are you ready to take care of your taxes for your small business? Make sure you have all the right forms to send in, or you could be the victim of an IRS audit or worse, an IRS debt! Here are some of the forms you should have to keep track of your taxes and make sure you file your return correctly.

Tons of paperwork... Let's go down the list of forms you should have to file your taxes, specifically the forms that have to do with your employees.

Just in case... Make sure you have copies of all these forms for both your employees and yourself. The IRS takes a special interest in small businesses and just waits for you to make a mistake so they can hit you with a debt and come after you. Don't let the IRS hurt your business because of a single form.

You may already have a copy, but just in case, here's the link to the IRS Employer's Tax Guide.

Now you have the smoking gun... Use it!

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