Ladies and Gentlemen -

It being Veteran's Day, I'd like to take the time to thank all the men and women of the United States Services. You all have done wonderful work serving your country. And at times it can seem as if you are lost in the shuffle. But on days like this, we can step back and remember these great Americans.

You have given us all the privilege to live freely, and for that I thank you all.

Yesterday, IRS Commissioner Douglas Schulman gave comments before the Independent Sector: "If you peel back all of the different layers, the IRS has two main functions: service and enforcement. And one question I get a lot these days is whether as Commissioner I will focus on service or enforcement. I believe this is a false choice — the IRS must do both, and do both very well. And we will during my tenure."

Read the rest of the story here.

Thanks again to all of our Vets.

The Hitman