Wednesday, September 24, 2008

P&G on Value-Added Marketing

On this blog, most everything we explore is about marketing that creates value for consumers. In a world with increasing consumer control, marketing that interrupts and annoys will continue to lose attention and impact, while marketing that consumers welcome and desire will create lasting brand value.

On Experience: The Blog, we've explored the Experiential Marketing Continuum and how marketing tactics and channels can be unwelcome, welcome, or desired by consumers. Our exploration of this topic is why the following quote, from an interview with Ted McConnell, the interactive innovation director at Procter & Gamble (P&G), caught my eye:
"I'm driven by the idea that, somehow, the $700 billion a year that humans spends on advertising could create a lot of good and achieve its business goals if advertisers focus harder on crafting value rather than messages."


The interview with McConnell on iMedia is interesting and informative. P&G has been exploring innovative strategies in digital and Social Media channels, such as its blog-focused content initiative for Iams. McConnell addresses a digital strategy he thinks may not succeed (unsolicited location-based mobile marketing) and the largest untapped opportunity for interactive marketers (measurement--of course!)

The iMedia interview is a worthwhile read for anyone interested in what market-leader P&G is doing to create more value-added marketing opportunities.

Note: I'm on vacation this week but worked a little ahead to keep the content flowing on this blog. If you comment, I won't be able to read and respond to your message until this weekend.

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