Saturday, January 18 2025

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Bleeding Edge TV 195: iPhone 1.1.3 Firmware Feature Walkthrough

About The Video
Our iPhone 1.1.3 news has been blowing up the Internet. Quite a few people think the images in our iPhone 1.1.3 image gallery were fake, so we figured, why not put up a video? Here is our video proof that iPhone 1.1.3 firmware is, in fact, real. Any questions you want answered about it? Let us know in our iPhone 1.1.3 thread.

Meantime, the video shows you all the features that we have found (so far) in the 1.1.3 update. That includes the home screen shuffling and reorganizing of the icons, the multi-person SMS sending, the new “Locate Me” feature in the Google Maps application, Hybrid mode in Google Maps, and creating web bookmarks and putting them on your home screen.

At the end of the video, we show you the Gear Live custom painted iPhone that we will be giving away to one of you viewers, courtesy of Monster Cable.


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