Audra Krell

On Purpose

Tackle it Tuesday

Today I am going to tackle a small area of my home that has been a big mess for precisely one year.  No time like the anniversary of a mess to finally get it cleaned up.  The picture below is from our master bath, those are clothes, pictures, albums, weights,shoes, air cleaners and dust bunnies. Oh yes, and somewhere underneath everything is a treadmill.  Notice the towels hanging on the arms of the treadmill, they have been there for a year just in case I decide to take a walk on the wild side.

Cimg0759 To clean this up I did the following:

  • Hung the picture on the wall
  • Took photos to my husband’s work to be digitized
  • Bagged clothes and dropped off at donation box at our son’s school.  The school receives a cash portion of everything collected at the site.

Here is the end result and it feels so good every time I walk in there! By the way and because it is one of my favorite bargains of all time, I got the big picture on the wall for $33.00 at a model home sale. Now we can enjoy it!

Cimg0760 Head on over to 5 Minutes for Mom to see what everyone else is tackling this week.

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12 thoughts on “Tackle it Tuesday

  1. Wow…you got so much done. The bathroom looks like a total makeover.
    Great Tackle. Thanks for visiting and for commenting on my blog.

  2. Oh, you’re good! What a great tackle. Will you use the treadmill now?
    Come check out my Bucket List giveaway:

  3. Awesome! Isn’t it a nice feeling when you’re finally done with a task like that? I need to clean out my closet, but I’m still trying to get up the courage to tackle that HUGE chore!!

  4. Good job!
    My treadmill doesn’t have anything on it, unfortunately that includes me… walking on it! Who has the time? 🙂

  5. Now here is the question…will you use the treamill? I have one in my cellar, don’t even use it. I understand this time of year since it great weather to be out but even in the winter I ma not motivated enough! My Tackle it Tuesday is a pantry overhaul which I found a can of eel I forgot about…eeek! Nice blog, stop by!

  6. Thanks for the comments ladies. To answer your question in an honest way, I am going to say no, there aren’t plans to use the treadmill at this time! : ) In fact, one of my future tackles needs to be to sell it.

  7. Thanks for visiting my blog today. Its always nice to come to comments. Looks like you found a bargin too. I love bargin shopping its almost a Science. lol I just love the picture. I am glad you are now able to enjoy it.

  8. Are you going to use your treadmill now? Mine makes a beautiful clothes hanger.

  9. That was a great find for $33!!!

  10. I have a similar, draped treadmill in our master. That looks great! And I didn’t know your man is working at iMemories. I’m a faithful customer!! Does that mean he’s seen our home movies, eegads! Missed you tonight. Hope to see you for coffee soon. Much love, S

  11. Can you come tackle all the clutter in my brain? I’m at a loss and need some organization!!!

  12. Much better love that pictue frame

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