Wednesday, November 12, 2008

13 Random Household Tips (TT #29)

Thirteen Random Household Tips

1. Cover a pot to help water boil faster.

2. You can use a shoe organizer to help organize in your pantry, or if you don't have a door -- small baskets can do wonders for grouping together smaller items in your pantry. (We used to have a basket of oatmeal packets, rather than to have several partially used boxes.)

3. Put hard boiled eggs in a pan with filled with cold water and then keep filling the pan with ice -- this will make the eggs easier to peel.

4. Rip a fabric softner dryer sheet in half before you throw it in with your laundry. Only throw one of the halves into the dryer, and keep the other half for the next load. (This helps my box of 120 dryer sheets to last for 240 loads of laundry!)

5. If you like music, find a way to play your music in the kitchen while you work or clean. It can make the task a whole lot more fun. I have an iPod docking station in my kitchen just for this purpose!

6. Monthly menu planning can save you time and money.

7. Put meats on a plate or in a bowl when thawing them in the refrigerator. This will save a possible mess, if the packaging should leak.

8. Wear an apron to save your clothes during cooking/baking!

9. Watch your outlook on the tasks you do. If you are cheeful or think you are blessing your family with your actions, cleaning is a lot easier to do than if you grumble the whole time and feel unappreciated.

10. If you like using recipes, find a good way to organize them. What works for me though, may not work for you. Just find whatever system works well, and go for it!

11. Gardening can save you a lot of money on produce. And, now is the perfect time of year to start planning what you will do next spring. Hey -- don't even tell me you don't have room for a garden, because you probably do.

12. Did you know that you can wash Crocs in the washing machine? If you are a Croc family, this can turn out to be a tip that can save you a whole lot of time!

13. If you have absolutely no motivation to clean, throw a party or invite over house guests. That'll surely give you some motivation. I know it does it to me!

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Anonymous said...

I learned #7 the hard way! I will try that thing with the dryer sheets. Great idea!

Anonymous said...

wow - these are very helpful! Some I knew... some were new... :)

♥♥ Willa ♥♥ said...

a very helpful tips and I want to try the #6.
My Thursday Thirteen

Anonymous said...

My grandma always told me to put ice in with my hard boiled eggs before I peeled them and I thought she was crazy. Suppose I've learned to listen to my elders!

Anonymous said...

I do #7 all the time after had a chicken leak. -shudder-

marcia@joyismygoal said...

Good ones i Do those for the most part so you made me feel smart

bernieg1 said...

Being a guy with tons of shoes I can really relate to the shoe rack. I have three!

My TT is up 13 Things to Consider before Hiring

Anonymous said...

I'm definitely going to try the egg-peeling trick!

My TT has a Thanksgiving Theme this week.

Kate said...

What a great list. I'm happy to say that I proudly subscribe to many of your tips myself!

Soul Pockets said...

I have something for you over at my blog. :)

~Just Me Miranda~ said...

Those are some really helpful hints!!

Anonymous said...

Great TT, I had no idea you could ut crocs in the machine! My TT is 13 uses for Breastmilk.