Sunday, January 11, 2009

Do they speak English there?

I had this plan over the last week and a half to be all over posting on my blog. Instead, I only managed to post a few times because we were busy having two days of driving, spending seven days in Florida, and then two days driving back home.

So, while I try to settle back in at home, I'll share a funny from our trip...

When we had been driving for a few hours, the kids inquired into where we would be driving and how long it would take us.

I told them, "Well, we still will be driving through Kentucky, Tennessee, and part of Alabama before we stop for today."

Jack looked particularly concerned.

"How will we talk to them?" he asked. "Do they speak English there?"

I'd like to say that we just nicely informed him that they speak English in all of those states, but instead we burst out laughing. Then we told our little traveled son that, in fact, they did speak English in all three.

I am unsure, however, if he thought we were telling the truth after he listened with raised eyebrow to the sweet cashier with the southern drawl at the McDonalds that we stopped at in Kentucky.

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photo by jimmywayne22


Anonymous said...

That's so funny! I know when we drive from Florida through Southern Georgia we have a hard time understanding at gas stations and such. I thought we were suppose to be a "Southern State," but I feel like a translation book would help at times! I still love to hear all the accents. Oh, and Boston is fun place too.

I'm sure you have a ton of clothes to wash now! :-)

Angie @ Many Little Blessings said...

Kim -- LOL about needing a translation book! There was only probably one person that we encountered during our trip that I really thought, "I have no idea what they're saying," but I did sometimes have to repeat things for the kids.

Oh, and on the laundry front -- I'm actually thrilled to report that we had a teeny tiny washer and dryer in the condo we rented, so I had almost all of our clothes clean on the way home. :) Just a couple of days worth to wash when we arrived, and I actually took care of it last night. WooHoo! :)

Anonymous said...

I forgot you were headed to FL!!! How'd you like it? Destin is one of my favorite places on earth (well, not during spring break!).

Anonymous said...

And your story made me think of the first time we went to Texas and Griffin and Laney wanted to know why they had the American flag up. LOL

Mimi said...


It's a good thing I don't live in KY, because my favorite thing there is sweet tea. Sigh.

Meredith said...

Funny! We have never been far enough from the South for my son to wonder the same about y'all : )

Anonymous said...

Hey! Hey! Hey! I am from AL and I can understand my family and friends at leasty 70% of the time! LOL

CC said...
