"...there is nothing more destructive of the human psyche than to be forced to doubt the veracity of what one's own elementary observations demonstrate, simply because they conflict with a prevailing and unassailable orthodoxy." Dr. Theodore Dalrymple



For this week's TT, I am doing the top 13 "guy" movies that I love. While I'm a sucker for a romantic comedy and can easily lose myself in a serious drama, I also really just love of flick where a bunch of stuff blows up, a bunch of guns go off, and some just stupidly unrealistic fight scenes happen. (Obviously there are bonus points to me if it's a Tarantino film or has Bruce Willis in it. What can I say - I like bald guys ;) Here we go...in no particular order:

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Unknown said...

I bet my son has every one of those movies. Great list. Happy T13!

The Gal Herself said...

I looove Bruce Willis, so naturally I agree with you on Die Hard and Pulp Fiction. I'm also big on the Lethal Weapon series. You make me want to fire up the DVD player! (Thanks for visiting my TT)

Kaige said...

Sweet! I've actually seen a bunch of these. The Fifth Element's a guy movie? Tricked them, I think. Oh what? they just watch for the chick, right? Bah. =)

Happy TT!

marcia@joyismygoal said...

Oh my I have seen noe of these but I love the Bourne movies and Missions also

Anonymous said...

Speaking as a guy, I have only seen 3 of those. I liked Die hard and Goodfellas, but hated The Fifth Element.

K. said...

You and me, we would have such a fun movie night.

Author said...

Funny, I never really thought of The Fifth Element as a guy movie, but me and my guy both like it. I love Kill Bill and Batman Begins is awesome. I would add the (new) Italin Job to this list, though.

lynda w said...

I've seen a few of these with my husband and he's suffered through some that I've wanted to see. The only movies we see together now are the ones that we take the kids to. LOL. I like the suspense ones like Bourne and Mission, but these other ones have an element that just plain freaks me out. (I had to go outside while he watched The X Files movie because aliens freak me out.)

With Ryan's love of Star Wars, I may have seen that one over a hundred times now. :-)

Sarah in Disturbia said...

I've see most of these are they're hot! I too like bald guys: )

MP said...

I love all of those too! Sometimes when hubby and I pick out movies together I realize "guy movies" aren't what I thought. He likes things like Hostle or Saw..Me..well I'm with you. Give me Kill Bill, Pulp Fiction or a Bruce Willis movie anyday!

Anonymous said...

Uh, what does it mean when someone with ovaries has all those movies on her shelf?

Anonymous said...

YES! I have loved every single one of those movies. What about Last Man Standing? Has Bruce Willis in it. Constant gunfire. Very cool, but maybe a bit thin on plot, not as thin on plot as Shoot Em Up, but still thin. Check it out some time!

Anonymous said...

I'm crushed that you did not include "L.A. Confidential" on your "guy-movie" list! How much more fascinating and "guy" can you get than THREE male leads - two of whom avail themselves of the luscious leading lady-hooker, a fantastic plot (which guy didn't shout "expletive deleted" when Dudley shot Jack), a great fight scene, nearly as many dead bodies as Iwo Jima, and the greatest shoot-out ever filmed in Holywood's scrummy history. (I would add some of the best music of the 1950's but your commenters are probably too young to appreciate that.) You really must do something about up-grading your "guy-movie" portfolio.

Anonymous said...

Hmm... I totally commented on this late, late last night, but it's gone. It was probably witty and clever, too. Oh, well. The gist of it was that I have trouble following most "guy movies," but I think I liked Die Hard, Tom loves Reservoir Dogs, and someday I think I should watch GoodFellas. Star Wars is for my wedding night since that part of me is still virgin.

Karina said...

There's a whole lot of these that are still on my "must watch" list...I'm really behind on my movie watching, I think! ;-) Great list though.

Anonymous said...

ohhh... how did I miss this one? ;-) I love movies, and those are some great movies.

I would take a violent ab-ripped Brad Pitt anyday! ROWR

I agree with Marcia.... The Bourne movies are fantastic. My favorites!

Anonymous said...

Wow. You have some solid taste in flicks there chick.


Malcolm said...

1, 3, 6, 8, 10, and 12 are the ones I have seen on your list. I actually picked up a free copy of a "Reservoir Dogs" calendar where I work.

In case you haven't seen it, I would recommend checking out "Cool Hand Luke" (often called "the sweatiest movie ever made"). Although the fight scene isn't necessarily unrealistic, it is memorable and one-sided.