Nanny Goats in Panties Rotating Header Image

My Career in Musical Theatre

When I tell you I was in The Music Man, your first thought would probably be: “Oh, were you Marian the Librarian?”

No, I was not Marian the Librarian! Just because I wear glasses and read a lot and look like someone who should know the Dewey Decimal system and my mother’s name was Marian does not a Marian the Librarian make me. You think you’re so smart.

I was in the band. At the end. They did the whole show with this wonky kids band and then our band (the Sacramento Youth Band, a real band, with instruments and everything – I played the piccolo) would barrel down the aisle in all our glory representing what the wonky kids band had allegedly become. I guess the dramatic build-up of this poor wonky band was effective because we killed.

We marched onto the stage in our red, white and blue wool-jacketed uniforms during the 100+ degree summer night in the outdoor Theatre-in-the-Round. The tent-like roof befitted the name of the theatre: The Music Circus. But it was hot. Hot, hot, hot.

We were supposed to be the big “shock and awe” finale and according to reviews, we were. The audience was delighted and surprised and stopped fanning themselves with their programs for a minute when we stomped onto the stage and belted out “76 Trombones”. And in spite of the heat, when I saw the audience’s reaction, I got goosebumps. For three minutes and fourteen seconds, we were stars, man!

The stage rotated a complete circle (maybe two, I don’t remember, it was one song’s worth, anyway) while we played. Then we marched right off to thunderous applause.

That season’s Music Man starred Van Johnson. He came over to us once during rehearsal to say hello and we were giddy, even though most of us had no clue who Van Johnson was, being a bunch of self-absorbed hick-town teenagers. If he wasn’t under 25, we didn’t know who he was. But he was “a celebrity”!

My mother told me that her friend had met Van Johnson twenty-some-odd years earlier and that he was known to always wear red socks and that I should ask him to show me his ankles.

Me. Ask him. A celebrity.

The show only played for one week, but at some point after rehearsals, I saw him on the street near the theatre. Overwhelmed with a rush of adrenaline, I couldn’t move. My body had started rigor mortis-ing or something. My brain was telling me to run after him or else I’d miss my chance. Go, dummy! He’s alone, but he’s across the street already. He’s getting away! Go, Go, Go!!!

I broke free of my solid state and darted across the street, surely looking like a stalking fool.

“Mr. Johnson!” I called out weakly. (At least I hope I said “Mr. Johnson”. That was something my mother never taught me – to use such formality when addressing people or saying “Sir” or “Ma’am” or anything like that. Surely, I wouldn’t have blruted out: “Oh Va-AAAaaaaannnnn!”   Ack! That would have been so uncouth.)

He turned around and I said I was in the band and he shook my hand, and my legs got all jello-y and my voice got shakier but I soldiered on. If he said anything else, I couldn’t tell you what it was. I was far too focused on the task at hand and spat out everything I was supposed to say. Never mind any art of conversation. The world closed in around me as I rattled off that my mother said that her friend said that blah blah blah and could I see his socks.

He looked me square in the eye for a moment, almost pleased, and he reached down, yanking up the leg of his trousers.

And showed me the red.  

* * *

R.I.P. Van Johnson  (August 1916 – December 2008)

Link to video:

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I want to thank Tiffany and Heather for making me the Featured Blogger over at SITS today.

And hello to all my SITStas!

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  1. […] A real post will be forthcoming later in the week, probably for Flashback Friday on the days in high school I “performed” in musicals. Until then, enjoy this Nanny Goats in Panties post where she remembers her own career in musical theatre. […]

  2. LenaLoo says:

    I like it! Again, Happy Feature Day! Sorry I am belated in my congratulations!

  3. Muse Swings says:

    Hey! Congrats on your SITS day! I don’t know why he always wore red socks – but he did. Even in the black and white films.

  4. YOU? Spoke to THE Van Johnson? Oh, man. I am so jealous. I used to watch that guy in old black and whites, and thought, he’s kind of dweebie, but cute.
    I am not worthy.

  5. VE says:

    And this one time at band camp…

  6. washwords says:

    hahahha. that’s awesome! kudos to you for having the courage to SAY something and plowing through despite the fear!
    great blog. I’ll be back!

  7. Obnoxious says:

    That is so cool. I dig on musicals and even more on people that have the balls to actually ask someone to see their red socks.
    You rock!

  8. Laurel says:

    Congrats on your SITS day – you are most definitely one of my favorite bloggers. The blog title is totally inspired:).

  9. Megan says:

    Haha I could totally picture the whole story. Love it!
    Congrats on being Featured!! So fun! =D

  10. Molly says:

    THAT was an awesome story that I thoroughly enjoyed!

  11. I am loving your blog!
    I am a huge old movie buff! Love Van Johnson and your story! A beautiful tribute!
    Congrats on being FB, Sista!

  12. Jessica G. says:

    Hey, I was a Grecian urn in the Music Man. ๐Ÿ˜‰
    Happy SITS DAY!

  13. COngratulations on your sits day….
    Nice blog,
    I really enjoyed my visit here…
    Come visit me if you have time
    Waving from cold Southern Ontario, Canada

  14. Elizabeth says:

    I’m glad you’re featured today! You deserve it!

  15. Jen says:

    Love your blog! I am here from SITS!! Congrats on being today’s featured blogger!!

  16. MyLinda says:

    Congrats on your SITS day!

  17. Jessica says:

    Thats such a cool story. Meeting famous people is really neat

  18. Pooba says:

    Geez, I wanted to keep my Nanny Goats in Panties all to myself, but now that you’ve had your SITS day, my secrets out. Now I will have to learn to share :o(
    Happy SITS day!

  19. Amanda says:

    Congrats on this being your SITS day!!

  20. Leslie Doyle says:

    Congrats on your SITS day! Enjoy!

  21. Mary says:

    Happy SITS day!

  22. The Keeper says:

    It tok me so long to get to my comment…………..stopping and reading eveyone elses………..
    OK so I didn’t read them all!!!
    That I forgot what I wanted to say.

  23. Dawn says:

    Happy SITS day! My daughter was just in a dinner theater production and her first line was “and 76 trombones”.

  24. rachel says:

    Congrats on being a SAUCY blog….way to go!!!

  25. Becky says:

    You are hilarious! Thanks for the laugh and happy SITS day. I will be back for a smile.

  26. Dddiva says:

    Great story- hope you’re enjoying your featured day.

  27. Luci says:

    This is so funny, my kids jr. high play this year is The Music Man, too funny.
    Great story.
    And congrats on sits!

  28. Valerie says:

    Hey Girl!! I wanted to congratulate you on being featured over at SITS!! Hope you’ve had a great day.
    I loved this post. lol My daughter was in the band she was/is also a BIG theatre person and has done several plays. I love Theatre!! We are going to see WICKED in April can’t wait! I don’t think I could have had the nerves to even speak if I were you! I am glad he showed you his red though. Too funny!

  29. Nikkicrumpet says:

    CONGRATS on being featured on SITS…I’m glad everyone can discover how funny you are!

  30. Congratulations on your SITs feature:-) I hope you are enjoying your day in the sun:-)

  31. KathyB says:

    Congrat on being the Featured Blogger!!
    I hadn’t found your blog yet and I’m just completely loving it! Although, based on your blog name, I guess I shouldn’t really be surprised how much fun I’m having snooping around and reading your back posts ๐Ÿ™‚

  32. Thanks for sharing a little of your past with us!

  33. Marrdy says:

    I love Van Johnson. I would have been all a twitter over him! Cool to note the red sock thing though. Congrats on your SITS day!

  34. Michaela says:

    What a great story! Stopping by from SITS to say congrats to being today’s FB ๐Ÿ™‚

  35. kori says:

    Great post! Love the name of your blog. I’ll be back for sure!!

  36. Kim says:

    I used to wear purple socks to be all “matchy” with Donnie Osmond!

  37. i am thoroughly enjoying your blog…
    happy sits day!

  38. TL says:

    What a great post! I am now humming ’76 Trombones!’
    Congrats on your SITS day!

  39. Rachel says:

    A well deserved recognition! Your blog is so funny!

  40. Jeannie says:

    Congratulations on your special SITS day!!!!!

  41. Whoo sits day! Congrats.
    Surely it was the most magnificent performance to be ever performed!

  42. Laughing at your featured posts – you are a warped humorist…
    Happy SITS day!

  43. Joanna says:

    Congrats on your SITS day!
    I’m still cracking up laughing at all the uses for shelf liner. ๐Ÿ™‚

  44. Jori says:

    Happpy SITS day to you! Your unemployment post was hysterical!

  45. Chrissi says:

    Hi Came over from SITS! Congrats on you SITS DAy!!

  46. Rebel says:

    Congrat’s on bein’ featured blogger of the day. You have a great blog and I would have loved to have met Van Johnson. He was one of the last great old movie stars. Hope you are havin’ a great day.

  47. Anonymous says:

    Came over from SITS. Happy SITS Day!!

  48. ali says:

    Another great story! Congrats on your SITS day!

  49. Fun post, fun blog. Congrats on being the featured one over at SITS. All the best!

  50. Zeemaid says:

    I love it. What a great memory and how perfect that you put the video up too. Great post.
    Happy feature blogger day. ๐Ÿ™‚

  51. shawn says:

    Hi. Cute blog. It’s my first time here. I’m your visiting sistsa.

  52. Lisa says:

    Congrats! Awesome story, great clip!

  53. bethany says:

    funny title…funny blog!! congrats on your SITS day!

  54. Debi B says:

    OMGosh! How funny that you actually asked him! he probably thought that was really cute of you ๐Ÿ™‚
    Happy SITSday!

  55. Marjorie says:

    You sure call tell a story! Congratulations of being the Featured Blog… make it a great day!

  56. Savy Suzi says:

    Great story! Congrats on Feature Blog.

  57. Tara B says:

    LOL!!!!!! Thanks for a great story and good laugh! you rock

  58. Brittany says:

    Happy SITS day!!! ๐Ÿ™‚

  59. Andy says:

    At first I thought you were saying that you appeared in the Sound of Music…so I figured you must be pretty old. But then I read it again and saw that it was Music Man…but that guy dancing looks old so now I’m confused. It happens. Apparently your post on shelf liners is to die for…so I’m going hunting for some good ol’ belly laughs:) Have a wonderful Tuesday. It’s certainly not as good as Friday, but it has it’s perks. Like 10% off at the grocery store. Plus it is seniors day on Tuesday.

  60. Brenda says:

    That is SO dang cool! First, because, well he was a celebrity. Second because you were BOLD– man, I could not have done that as a teenager. I would have passed out in the middle of the street and got hit by a car. Yep, that would have been me. Thirdly, I love musicals, so it’s cool you were in one:)

  61. Beverly says:

    I love Van Johnson! Great story!!

  62. Gwyn says:

    congrats on your sits feature day!

  63. Vickie says:

    Congrats on being featured on SITS!
    I enjoyed reading your blog. My favorite was the unemployment post.

  64. Reeni says:

    Came to say hi from SITS. What a great story!

  65. sara says:

    ok you crack me up!
    happy sits day…

  66. Georgie says:

    Great story!
    Congrats on your day in the SITS spotlight!!!!

  67. Kelli says:

    Congrats on being featured today! I had a hoot visiting your site!

  68. See What Had Happened Was.... says:

    Found you on SITS…Great Blog!

  69. Amanda Jones says:

    What a fun moment and memory! Congrats on being Saucy today! I love your blog!!

  70. Lisa says:

    Happy SITS day!

  71. How cool that you got to meet him!
    Congrats on your SITS day.

  72. hotpants4979 says:

    Found you on SITS! Great blog.

  73. carrie says:

    Stopping by from SITS to say Hello!
    Congrats on being featured.

  74. Sarah says:

    I’ve seen that episode of I love Lucy – but didn’t know who he was. That’s pretty cool!
    Happy SITS day! ๐Ÿ˜€

  75. Stopping by from SITS to comment on your blog. Great posts!

  76. What could be better than a red-socks-run-in with a Celebrity! That is a very fun story. Unfortunately my “celebrity” stories are not nearly that entertaining.

  77. Great story! I LOVE Lucy, too!
    Visiting from SITS. Happy SITS Day!

  78. Stopping by from SITS. Congrats on your featured day.
    Enjoyed reading, you’re too Funny!!

  79. I have “met” two famous people in my life. I saw Ani Difranco in a bookstore in Buffalo and stalked her from behind the self-help aisle, to nervous to say anything. And, I met Francis Ford Copolla at Steinbeck conference but didn’t even know I was talking to him for like five minutes and then I just stood there blank when I found out who he was. I should have gotten on my knee, kissed his ring, and said Godfather!

  80. Meg says:

    very funny!
    Congrats on your FB day!

  81. rachael s says:

    love your blog, from the name to the look to your words. happy feature day over at SITS!

  82. Roxane says:

    Happy SITS day to you~!
    Your story brought me back to my senior year of high school. Our spring musical was Damn Yankees and I was lucky enough to land a part in the ensemble as wife #4 (or was it #5?). Thank you so much for stirring up old memories. I’ll be singing all day ๐Ÿ™‚

  83. Howdy from SITS and congrats on yur big day! Love your header

  84. Pixeltrash says:

    Oh my… I’m glad you were able to pull yourself together and see the socks! I’m even happier that he remembered to wear red ones that day or you would have been disappointed.
    Congrats on your SITs day!

  85. Have a great SITS day.

  86. dina says:

    congrats on yours sits day, you are hysterical!

  87. Heather says:

    Great story! Wish I could have been in that band too!

  88. Casey says:

    Happy SITS day to ya:)

  89. Jennifer says:

    Happy SITS Day! Your story reminds me of the time our band did a thing with the Tommy Dorsey Orchestra.

  90. Christina says:

    Ha… I know the Dewey Decimal System. I was a Library Assistant for years. I also love my sock “flair”.

  91. Congrats for being picked “Blogger” from SITS
    Your blog is great
    I have enjoye4d visiting….

  92. Beth Nixon says:

    What a great brush with fame story!! And thanks for posting the video. That was a nice thing to see this morning!

  93. Tiffany says:

    You told that story really well! Congrats on your SITS day.

  94. LORI says:


  95. boonenme says:

    checking in front sits. ๐Ÿ™‚
    my boss does a sock check every now and again…cracks him up when i wear christmas socks in March.

  96. Island Girl says:

    Congrats on your SITS day!

  97. Kristin says:

    What a story. Love your blog it is my first time here. Off to go poke around some more. On a quest to find the meaning of your title. It cracks me up. Oh and I am visiting from SITS but I will be back. Be afraid very afraid. LOL.

  98. missy says:

    CONGRATS….on being the featured blog!!!!
    i love the video!!!!!!
    and what a cute story!!!!

  99. Congrats on being the FB!
    I was in Music Man in High School. I played one of the old “Pick a Little” ladies.

  100. Rachel says:

    Congrats on being featured! Happy SITS day!

  101. Rebecca says:

    I love goats, used to raise them but wish I still could ๐Ÿ™‚ Congrats on being featured SITSta! I’m off to browse around your blog…

  102. Mandy says:

    Happy SITS Day! I love your blog!!
    Also, I am under 35 and love Van Johnson.:) He was great in so many films, my favorite was Duchess of Idaho–I used to watch it over and over when I was a kid. Enjoy your SITS day, saucy girl!

  103. Anonymous says:

    Congrats on being SITS FB today. Love the librarian comments, but then again, I AM a librarian!

  104. ParentinPink says:

    Just visiting from SITS and I LOVE your blog – very funny ๐Ÿ™‚ Happy SITS day!

  105. Lisa says:

    Happy SITS day!! ๐Ÿ™‚

  106. Veronica says:

    That was a fantastic story! Happy SITS day!

  107. Jingle says:

    That is an awesome story! I love it! Congrats on your SITS feature today!

  108. sandy toe says:

    Good Morning from SITS:)!
    ~Sandy Toe

  109. Lanie says:

    Happy SITS day! Cool blog!

  110. Rudy says:

    Congrats on the SITS feature. Really cute blog. Have a GRRRRReat Day.

  111. Amy says:

    Hope you are having a great SITS Day!!!

  112. MsMVNJ says:

    I came over from SITS – great story, I’ll be back. Hope to see you at my bog!

  113. Angie says:

    Happy SITS day!!!

  114. Amanda in GA says:

    congrats on being the SITS FB today!

  115. Katherine says:

    Good morning and congrats on being featured! From SITStas

  116. granny annie says:

    stopping over from SITS to say hi and congrats! great blog!

  117. cindy says:

    Congrats on your feature, SITSta!

  118. lizspin says:

    Like I said on SITS, I’ve long been a Total Nanny Fanny!!!!
    With a capital “T” and that rhymes with “P” and that stands for Panties!!!!

  119. Yaya says:


  120. Blond Duck says:

    Happy SITS day!! You deserve it!

  121. April says:

    I thoroughly enjoyed reading this post!!! A big CONGRATS on being today’s featured blogger…way to go!

  122. Typ0 says:

    Congrats on your SITS day!! ๐Ÿ™‚ I still know large parts of the Dewey Decimal system by heart. I would have loved to play Marian – but i’m weird that way! ๐Ÿ™‚

  123. Jen Warren says:

    Congrats on your feature!!! Hugs, Jen

  124. Laurie says:

    What a great story. I would have had no idea what to say. I am too embarrassed to approach celebrities, and would make a complete fool of myself. Congrats on your SITS day!

  125. Tranquility says:

    OH – and a VERY HAPPY SITS DAY to YOU!!!

  126. Tranquility says:

    Is that true?
    What a FANTASTIC experience! Lucky, lucky you!
    I love the little clip – Lucille Ball is adorable!

  127. angie says:

    Loved that story! Congrats on your SITS day!

  128. Kristen says:

    Man. I wish I could dance like that! What a great story. Stopping by from SITS! Congrats on being featured.

  129. Jessica Bern says:

    this is how I felt when I saw George Clooney. Oh God, oh GOD he is a beautiful man.

  130. Now THAT was an awesome story!

  131. floridian says:

    thanks for posting this, mags. i was raised on Lucy, and this number in particular is what romance means to me, to this day. van was never more dashing, nor Lucy more lovely.

  132. I met two, count them, TWO celebrities in the mid-1970s when a dorky teenager: Rock Hudson and Cary Grant. Both times at Disney World (Orlando) at Christmas, different years. pffftt lol รขย™ยฅ รขยˆยž

  133. Anna Lefler says:

    What a fantastic post! I love that you are a fellow band geek. I love that you included an old “I Love Lucy” clip. And I love that you are sentimental.
    :^) Anna

  134. AnnsRants says:

    I was a musical theater geek into young adulthood. My first musical in high school was Music Man. I was one of two freshman to get cast with Stephanie. Boy was I jealous when Stefanie got to sing “Or a DOUBLE-BOILER” a solo!

  135. Nikkicrumpet says:

    I’ll bet that actually made his day!!! And obviously you weren’t a blogger back then or we’d have a picture! Way to go band girl!

  136. Gladys says:

    Now see I would have said something totally inappropriate because I do that when I’m nervous. I would have mixed my words up and said red panties instead of red socks and then he would have called the police and I would have been arrested for being a high school perverted stalker or something.
    So did you ever go to Band Camp???

  137. Vic says:

    You know you made his day too! I didn’t know he died. So many great older stars are going. It makes me sad. Great story.

  138. ByJane says:

    Terrific story. Terrific payoff!

  139. K says:

    I secretly wish I had guts to try out for the school play back in high school. I’m sure I would have sucked, but it would have been fun to give it a go.

  140. annette says:

    Hey, Mr. Johnson, show me your socks…*wink wink*
    LOL! What a fun moment!

  141. Betts says:

    Wasn’t being up on stage as big of thrill as your brush with celebrity? I used to do community theater and the sound of applause and laughter gave me such a rush.

  142. Kristin says:

    Hi! Thanks for visiting my blog. My header photograph is actually from apartments in Rotterdam, The Netherlands where a family member lives. I thought it was cool with all the different colors and in a circle.
    Are you really going to Amsterdam soon? That’s so exciting. I was there a few weeks ago!

  143. dana says:

    I loved that post more than any other I have ever read on your blog. Oh, don’t get me wrong. I envy you your story telling abilities, but I SO wanted Van to be wearing red socks!! I was so happy that he was still doing it many years later. I hope you thanked your mom for the info.

  144. The thought of being a celebrity is a dreadful one for me. It would be horrid to not be able to go anywhere without people recognizing me, shouting my name, asking for autographs and trying to touch the hems of my garments. Of course, this is not something I should worry about. Few people know me and those who do are trying desperately to forget.

  145. Alison Veres says:

    I’ve never been up onstage, but I have often been a member of an enthusiastic audience clapping like crazy and so glad that there are singers and dancers and piccolo players who get up there and take me away for an hour or two. I think the performing arts are one of the best things human beings do. We do so much ugly shit sometimes, but when we’re singing and dancing and telling our stories… that’s beautiful.

  146. Tiggy says:

    Nice story! I remember the first time I met a local actor I was a big fan of.
    I spilled out my carefully pre-rehersed little speech, which came out “HireallypleasedtomeetyouIreallyappreciatetakingthetime…” I felt like such an idiot!
    He just gave me a huge smile and put out his hand. That shut me up!

  147. Very sweet, and very nicely done. My stories of musical theatre pale in comparison, but will be up later in the week…as per our conversation over at Humor Bloggers. ๐Ÿ™‚

  148. mannequin says:

    Oh how delightful! I’ve never met anyone. Ever. And I’ve never had the opportunity to look at a man’s socks other than on the floor.
    Some people have all the planetary luck.

  149. Great story. Well told. Stumbled.
    If you were a librarian, I bet you’d be a naughty one.

  150. Rhea says:

    Oh, next time you’re in Texas, look me up. I’ll show you MY socks. You’ll never guess what color they are…

  151. Braja says:

    Why, Ms Panties, I do believe you’re blushing….:)

  152. Yaya says:

    Oh my husband loves him!