Wednesday, May 16, 2007

From blogs

Dear Mr. Pruden:

I moved to the Washington area in the middle of 1985 to attend graduate school at George Mason University. I started reading The Washington Times shortly thereafter. It was an eye-opener, a newspaper the likes of which I had never experienced. It was truly a breath of fresh air compared to other newspapers, particularly the other paper in Washington, the one that leaves your fingers full of newsprint.

I was a regular subscriber from 1985 to 1999. Now that I have moved to Arizona, I miss many things about Washington, but the thing I miss most is The Washington Times, so much so that I am a subscriber to the weekly edition. I look forward to reading the paper for many years to come.

Happy anniversary.

Best wishes,

Rick Gerrard


Posted by Rick Gerrard

The best Editorial and Commentary sections in the nation.

Posted by Mark Gunderman

I consider The Washington Times to be one of the pillars of modern-day conservatism. With the help of Ronald Reagan, Rush Limbaugh, House Speaker Newt Gingrich, Sean Hannity and Fox News, The Washington Times has changed the course of modern history. I thank you sincerely and hope the next 25 years will see the spread of the conservative values stated so well in your paper. You have been my home page from the day I bought my first computer. I couldn’t do without my Washington Times.

Posted by Steve Harms

I subscribe to The Washington Times, but every morning on my way to work, I also pick up a copy from one of the vending machines at the Shady Grove Metro station. As I sit on the train, enjoying your great paper, I cannot help but feel sorry for my fellow passengers around me reading the other paper, sorry because they are missing out on your balanced reporting, incisive commentaries and just great journalism all around. Kudos to Oliver North, Cal Thomas, Thomas Sowell, Diana West and others for their insightful columns; to the sportswriters for entertaining reading; and to you, Mr. Pruden, for your brilliant column. Thanks for giving independent-thinking Washingtonians like myself a superior alternative.

Posted by Kwan Koehler

Congratulations to TWT on what I trust is but the first of many quarter centuries of newspapering. I was proud to be part of your newsroom for 17 of those exciting years.

Posted by Frank Murray

I have been thanking God every day for the past 25 years for The Washington Times. Even though I have moved away from Northern Virginia, the first thing I do when I get up is read the online version. You guys blow away The Washington Post.

Posted by Ronny Weishaupt

No newspaper during my 84 years thus far has matched the accuracy and objectivity of The Washington Times, surely America’s Newspaper, recording history as written, not history as invented. TWT makes my day, every day. Congratulations on your first quarter century.

Posted by David Walsh

My best wishes for the 25th anniversary of this interesting newspaper. I am Spanish, and I live in Spain. Through The Washington Times, I can keep well-informed about what’s going on in the United States. I appreciate the objective point of view and the efforts of many people in keeping an alternative voice in Washington. Thanks for your hard work and my best wishes for the next 25 years.

Miguel from Spain.

Posted by Miguel Calvis

We began reading The Washington Times about 1997. We hadn’t realized such a good, fair and balanced newspaper existed until a fellow worker began bringing it to work. I can never thank him enough. We began watching Fox News at about the same time, thanks to our son Adam, who always seemed to catch on to things faster than his mother.

We have since moved to West Virginia, but even in this tiny rural town, we are able to get The Washington Times every day. We pay double, but it’s the best bargain in the world for the low, low cost of 50 cents. We make it a point to go out and buy The Times every day. Over the years, we like to think we have turned several friends and relatives into Times fans, too. We sure hope so.

You have a wonderful paper, and we just enjoy many of your writers. Wesley Pruden is the best. Also, all the little side bits we get from Inside the Beltway and Inside Politics are priceless. You are fair and balanced. That was not a flip remark. You give the best news available on every issue.

Continue on with your fine work. You have a paper of which you can be proud.

Most respectfully,

Judy Nave

Keyser, W.Va.

Posted by Judy Nave


I remember when you had the small office; when you had the opportunity to have the luxury suite, you stayed put in your small office on the newsroom floor. That’s when I knew that you were a true newspaperman.

Thank you for humoring me over the years. I did my durndest in marketing and promotion.

Thanks for giving to me a product in which I could believe and one I could honestly sell to others.

Best for the 25th. Seems like yesterday that we were doing the 10th.


Posted by Don Garlock Jr.

From e-mails

Sir, I live out in the boondocks, near a small town in north central Illinois. Each morning I go on the Internet to read the news. I find The Washington Times to be a reliable source, an honest source for the news. Thank you for a fine newspaper.

Paul Bunker

La Moille, Ill.

Dear Mr. Pruden,

It was in the 1970s that I saw the folly of my liberal philosophy and came to accept the more conservative tenets of limited government, individual liberty and respect for the traditional culture that has guided the great American experiment in human freedom. After more than 15 years of voting for liberal Democrats, I cast an enthusiastic vote for Ronald Reagan in 1980. Of course, the editors of The Washington Post were undergoing no such transformation. Thus, what a joy for me when The Washington Times began publishing in the early 1980s. I have been a subscriber since the beginning. Congratulations to The Times on its 25th anniversary. Before talk radio, conservative bloggers and Fox News, you were a lonely conservative voice in the vast information landscape dominated by the liberal mainstream media. Your voice has indeed helped to open the eyes of many like myself and occasionally to administer a black eye to the other Times, CBS News and the other “progressive” organs that continue to worship collectivism. Here’s to 25 more years of socking it to them.

Ron Lipsman

College Park

Good morning,

The Washington Times has provided me a superior alternative to Washington’s other paper. I especially appreciate world news, local and features coverage. I live in Richmond and pay extra for the paper.

Best regards, congratulations and keep up the good work.

Bill Giglio

Midlothian, Va.

Dear Mr. Pruden,

What would we have without the best of Pruden weekly?

The Washington Times gives us news we can use. It is hard-hitting, informative and always a cut above. Where else can we get the world briefs and the daily world briefings? The Asian coverage that I follow closely cannot be found in other papers nationwide, let alone the nation’s capital.

The team at The Washington Times has some of the best, especially the editorial staff. When I am out of town, I have to use The Times’ Web site first thing with a cup of coffee.

Best wishes for the next 25 years.

Steve Michael

Dear Washington Times,

Congratulations on the occasion of your 25th anniversary. I enjoy your paper every day, especially the Commentary and Editorial sections, along with the Culture, et cetera page and Wesley Pruden’s column.

In your pages I hear renewed every morning the great conversation that stretches back to Ronald Reagan, John F. Kennedy, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Abraham Lincoln, Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson and all the others whose words and ideas helped define the meaning of freedom in America.

How lucky we are that so many voices carry that conversation forward so clearly and forcefully in the pages of The Washington Times.


David Burns


As a history major in college, perhaps I can sum up the most valuable lesson I have learned in this phrase: “There are two sides to every story.” Without The Washington Times, only one side of the news would be presented. In a free-thinking society, all points of view need to be heard. Then and only then can rational decisions be made.

Bruce Bunker


Dear Mr. Pruden,

During the past 25 years, The Washington Times has been the only regular newspaper to visit our home. With reporters becoming gossips and journalists acting the part of propagandists, our choice of dependable news sources is very limited. However, within the entire media universe, The Washington Times stands head and shoulders over all of its competition.

In this society, where politicians have become functionally arrogant and maybe half of the electorate has any knowledge of high school civics, we are a nation divided against itself and, it appears to me, ready to fall under the Democratic “leadership.” This situation can only be weathered if, and unless, newspapers with your philosophy hold fast to your type of operating policies.

Mr. Pruden, you and The Times have served this country well, and I pray that you will continue to do so.


W.W. Bears


From letters

I am a regular reader of The Washington Times and find the Op-Ed page to be among the best published by any newspaper anywhere. You are far above and ahead of the competition. As a conservative, I really appreciate and enjoy the well-written, thought-provoking commentaries that cover current events. Please continue providing your readers with this high-quality journalism. I also find your sports columnists to be very good. Keep up the good work.

From a very satisfied subscriber,

R.L. Lane

Severn, Md.

I grew up in Chevy Chase delivering the Evening and Sunday Star. As I matured beyond reading the sports and comics, the Star became my main source of news. When the Star ceased publishing, I felt a very personal sense of loss. This void was not filled until The Washington Times came into being. Now in retirement, I still rely on The Times as my main source of news. Because we live in a rural area (no home delivery) on the Eastern Shore, I sometimes visit three or four outlets because the paper is sold out (send more copies) and is becoming more in demand all the time. Congratulations. You are doing a fine job; stay the course.

Richard G. Getsinger Trappe, Md.

The first thing one does in the morning shows how important we think it is. What do I do? You guessed it… read my Washington Times, even before I read my Bible. (Forgive me, Lord.)

Olga Fairfax


Words cannot describe the blessing Americans have received from our paper, The Washington Times. It reflects the values for which our forefathers fought, decency, morals and values.

The ministers’ sermons on Monday’s Culture, et cetera page are a plus and are the only church service many folks are able to attend.

Your news carrier even hangs the paper, safely wrapped, on the outside doorknob. You can reach out the door for it without going out the door. Isn’t that a piece of cake? At 5:30 a.m.?

Ruth Turner White

Silver Spring

It’s hard to believe it’s been 25 years since I started reading the Washington Times. It has filled most admirably the void left when the Washington Star closed shop. I thoroughly read your newspaper. I enjoy your party coverage, Tony Blankley’s column and your weekend Travel section and, of course, your Home Guide on Fridays. Thank you for 25 great years, and here’s to 25 more.

Joyce Small


A high quality, superb paper. Often the only place you can get true, real facts about real people, places and situations. A paper unafraid in these “near gagging” times of “political correctness” (a Marxist term , incidently) where you can get a real sense of what’s really happening and who’s really doing what, without apologies. The Times were dead on about the Clintons then and now. … God bless America, our troops, Wesley Pruden and the staff of The Washington Times.

John R. Browne III

Forestville, Md.

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