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There are so many new software programs for small businesses that many new business owners are starting to think that small business and ecommerce businesses do not really need to be concerned with record keeping. This is a myth. Just because your spouse and best friend don’t consider your business real, the auditors and revenue agency will hold you to the same rules and regulations that apply to multi-million dollar corporations.

There are a few methods of keeping books that will serve both the government’s regulations as well as the business’s profit building measures.

How Does Bookkeeping Help Improve Profits

Bookkeeping can help businesses track the percentage of a dollar that generates more income, how much is needed to maintain the business, and what is waste. Without a good bookkeeping system, investors, ecommerce businesses, and small businesses cannot track these numbers and improve their profits.

A company should devote at least 40% of their cash and time to income generating. Too many small businesses are unaware of the amount of money and time they spend generating income or the amount is wasted.

Most small businesses ignore their project tracking software. This can track the time and money invested in a project, the income generated, profits earned, and calculate the percentage of money used to generate the income, and the other expenses used to sustain the project.

As businesses learn to use project management systems effectively, they can learn to streamline their projects, reduce waste, and income the profit margins.

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