Saturday, April 19, 2008

Short post

This will be short: David is slightly squatting over in the corner and is grunting, so in a few minutes i will have a mess to clean up:)

We went to our second and third garage sales for the year yesterday! And the third one was the best. We found a toddler bed! It has plastic, primary-colored head and bottom boards. At the headboard there is kind of a shelf with a cover for him to keep all sorts of important things, and at the end of the bed there is a bench for sitting. Once it's done being a toddler bed, it converts into a book case and the same bench pulls out. Plus it was only $25!

i'm really excited. i have this mental list of stuff i need from garage sales this year, and the toddler bed was one of the most important. i'm doing reading on the best time to have him start sleeping in it, so he's used to it when the baby is born and needs the crib.

This garage sale season has already started off very well. i can't wait for the Bloomington city-wide garage sales. i grew up there, and city-wide is a very busy week for Bloomington.

The city has people sign up, and everyone who signs up gets put on a huge list the city puts out, and gets a sign to put on their street. The list also includes what sorts of things the people are selling. So for instance, i am looking for baby stuff and kitchen stuff this year, and the list will help me know which would be the best sales to attend. It's a very busy weekend for Bloomington, as people from all over the Metro flock to it.

Right now, Bloomington is very popular because they're having their curbside pickup this week. i was visiting my parent's house last night and saw many "scavengers" as we call them, with trailers attached to their pickup trucks, driving up and down residential streets looking for free stuff.

i don't go in for picking stuff off the side of the road, usually, but i am very excited for Bloomington city-wide.

Ok, i'm pretty sure David is done. Wish me luck that he sits still on the changing table!


kristine said...

YAY for toddler beds!! I think it is great that you are also trying to get him ready. Good luck! It's a tough/easy thing to do but it's so worth it!

Jeni said...

Yay for a big boy bed, hope the transition goes well:)

oneinamillionjohnsons said...

If you want a garage sale buddy, let me know.

Rachel said...

That's a great find! Woohoo!

Hoping the transition goes well for you guys.