Tuesday, December 9, 2008


Hey ya'll. It's been a while since i've posted any pictures, so i thought i'd change that.
Pardon the blurry ones, the red eyes, and the lack of croppage. It is difficult to put out quality pictures when you have my lack of talent, my camera, and subjects who will not sit still! Anyway, i think they're still cute. :)

i love this one. He's so happy. Doesn't he look old there?

teensy toes!

She looks as though she's smiling there.

She is smiling there, but of course i took it on my cell, so i can't make it full size. This is the first smile picture ever taken of her!

David sleeping on his couch.

Completely ignoring the comfortable "big boy bed" he's got going on right next to it. 
We ended up moving the couch out of his room finally.
She's got some HUGE eyes. She gets that from me and my mom.
i'm making vanilla extract as gifts this year.

Just chillin' after eating spaghetti.!
Anyway, these are my offspring. Aren't they adorable?


Kacie said...

Cute! I'm getting such a kick out of his little couch!

kristine said...

They are just adorable, Jessica! I could eat them up!
I also think it's great that he is sleeping on the couch. Too funny.

Sarah said...

How much would you say that Vanilla Extract recipe costs? Is it pretty affordable compared to store bought? I've been baking a lot more lately, and I feel like I'm ALWAYS buying vanilla. And I like the REAL stuff. None of that imitation junk for me. lol

I might have to give it a go. But where do you even get vanilla beans?

kristine said...

I am also curious about the cost and where you get the vanilla beans.

Sabrina said...

They are soooooo cute. I have been fallen in love with them.:)