TeliaSonera taglia impiegati in Svezia e Finlandia, espande all’estero (dove c’e’ spazio per crescita nel wireless)

Link: semestrale Telia Sonera.

Intensified efficiency improvement is imperative for TeliaSonera to be able to continue shifting the product mix by investing in mobility and IP-based services. Efficiency measures to be implemented primarily in the Swedish and Finnish operations during 2008 and 2009 are in total estimated to give annual gross savings effects of approximately SEK 5 billion compared to the cost base of 2007.
TeliaSonera estimates that about two-thirds of these efficiency measures comprising savings of addressable costs and sustainable savings in volume-related costs will be implemented during 2008 and the remaining one-third in 2009. The efficiency measures are expected to result in a reduction of approximately 2,900 employees, of whom about two-thirds in Sweden and one-third in Finland. The related restructuring costs, to be reported as non-recurring items, are estimated to be around SEK 4 billion, of which approximately two-thirds in 2008.

Telia Sonera ha 31300 dipendenti, di questi 10900 in Svezia e 5900 in Finalandia. I tagli previsti tra 2008 e 2009 sono del 18% in Svezia e del 16% in Finlandia. (dati a fine 2007). Se Telecom Italia tagliasse in Italia la stessa percentuale di quanto fara’ Telia Sonera in Svezia, taglierebbe 11700 dipendenti. Telecom Italia ha 79600 dipendenti, di cui 64100 in Italia (prima dei tagli di 5000 persone gia’ annunciati.

L’AD Nyborg ha ripetuto di essere interessato ai mercati emergenti con una popolazione tra 10 e 20 milioni di persone e meno del 20% di penetrazione dei cellulari (e il fisso ? ndr)

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1 thought on “TeliaSonera taglia impiegati in Svezia e Finlandia, espande all’estero (dove c’e’ spazio per crescita nel wireless)”

  1. efficiency improvement.. sounds good but in reality this improvement is mostly based on “friendship” (or “mutual understanding” (somebody says corruption)) with “policy makers” technologies. Once implemented, then they could “switch-off” national regulator and after that it work like money collecting machine. The Swedish and Finnish governments controlling this “business” effectively are supporting export of these behaviours. Their actions against smaller competitiors (I think illegal cross subsidizing, monitoring competitiors and customers (even with the sophisticated ACB/ITSS ?)), are just fragments of “dirty” business practices. TeliaSoners MUST STOP SPREADING THESE BEHAVIOURS IN LITHUANIA! NO MATTER HOW LONG IT LASTS, NO MATTER HOW MUCH EFFORTS IT NEEDS TeliaSonera WILL HAVE TO RESPOND FOR ITS ACTIONS AGAINST OUR COMPANIES.

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