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Il primo clamore lo ha destato la demagogica norma "tre violazioni e sei fuori" che, come ho gia’ scritto, penso che presto si provera’ essere inapplicabile dovesse essere approvata definivamente.

Adesso eBay e’ stata condannata da un tribunale di Parigi a pagare  40Meur per non aver fatto abbastanza per bloccare la vendita di oggetti contraffatti. Si colpisce l’ambiente, non chi commette il reato.

In belgio per una cosa simile un giudice ha ritenuto eBay non responsabile: eBay wins right to not police counterfeit goods

court in Belgium has thrown out a complaint by L’Oreal that eBay was
not doing enough to combat sales of fake versions of the cosmetics
giant’s products on its site.
The court ruled that eBay did not need to take proactive action to stop
such auctions, although eBay was keen to say it does take down such
auctions when notified by rights holders.

e anche negli USA sempre eBay questa volta portata in tribunale da Tiffany: EBay wins big in Tiffany fakes suit

federal judge in New York ruled in favor of eBay Inc. on Monday in a
suit filed by Tiffany & Co., which said eBay hadn’t done enough to
stop fake Tiffany jewelry from being sold on its site.
Tiffany filed the suit in 2004, and today’s ruling is a major victory
for San Jose, Calif.-based eBay (NASDAQ: EBAY). The online auction site
said Tiffany wouldn’t work with it to try and stop counterfeit jewelry
The judge, Richard Sullivan, said Tiffany hadn’t done enough to prove
eBay was responsible for the fake jewelry offered on its site. "Tiffany
has failed to meet its burden in proving its claims," his opinion said.
Tiffany chose to sue the company, rather than the people selling the
fake jewelry. Since eBay doesn’t deliberately allow fraud on its site,
and tries to remove any known fakes quickly, the judge ruled in eBay’s

Si noti che il processo di Tiffany e’ cominciato nel 2004…

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