Friday, July 11, 2008

I'm Not Complaining

I had posted this earlier today, and it just seemed so dang whiny that I took it down. But now that the P-Dawg is home from work and I've helped myself to a few glasses of vino, I'll be darned if it's not downright amusing.

J-dog and V-meister have been at each other's throats from the moment they woke up this morning. It's one of those days when I'm just a toddler tantrum away from reverting back to my monkey roots.

That's right, I'm about to start flinging poop.

The day began with me running out of the shower, dripping wet, to disengage J-dog from the V-meister's headlock. By the time we got out of the house, it was practically twilight and the twenty or so hours I'd spent applying SPF 50 over every nook, cranny, and crevice of our pasty white selves had gone to waste.

Nonetheless, we headed to the splash park.

But when we finally arrived there and met up with V-meister's little friend, no one actually wanted to splash. The V-meister was requesting an early lunch, and the J-dog wanted only to climb in and out of my lap over and over again, mixing it up with an occasional full body slam for good measure.

After endless rounds of this, I set him down none too gently, and when he came in for his next approach, I totally blocked him with a tae-kwon-do move. Of course I'm not proud.

Once the kids were finished not splashing, not running under any fountains, and not eating their lovingly packed nutritional and environmentally friendly lunches, we walked over to the playground. We were only there ten minutes before I found the two of them locked in a death-grip in the middle of the crawl tunnel.

I marched up inside that play structure - fuming- but instead of giving each of them a nuggie as I was wont to do, I reprimanded and separated one from the other, the J-dog with his legs still cycling in mid-air like some caricature of an angry toddler.

Then, on my pissed off and humiliating descent from the jungle gym, I totally nailed my head on a metal beam and swore out loud in front of the V-meister's wide-eyed little friend, who had been watching the spectacle from the sidelines.

In between the stars that appeared before my eyes, I was lucky enough to catch a glimpse of the J-dog putting gel beads that had fallen out of some kid's leaking diaper from the swirly slide right into his pie hole.

And then we left.

On the way home, the V-meister asked what was for lunch? but I simply cranked up the volume on our Lithuanian pop music CD and bopped along to the accordion/techno beat while taking deep breaths and counting to twenty in my head.

Now it's "nap time" and I've been sitting here on my living room couch listening to the J-dog attempting to bust out of his crib for the past forty-five minutes. It's funny, I don't remember tucking him in along with a hammer and crowbar! but by the sound of it, that is what he's employing.

There's also a dead rabbit in my backyard, and this makes me want to cry.


Waiting Amy said...

I've had days like these. They are not fun. I salute you for your restraint in the car, and applaud the tae kwon do move (I've needed that move many-a-time)!

flutter said...

Rima, I adore you

Becca said...

I've had days like that. In the car I hear a clatter of plastic on the floor, then "Paci?". I respond "Mama can't reach right now, I'm driving!" "Paci?" (rummages around in purse) "What about a shoe? Want to play with a shoe?" "Paci?" "Oooh, Charlie, listen! Don't you love rap music?"

I think I need some Lithuanian pop music. Hilarious post.

Janet said...

Craptacular day, my friend. Soak in your wine, sleep and get somebody to clean up that dead rabbit. Tomorrow is destined to be better.

Jennilu said...

Welcome to my world. Minus the Lithuanian pop music, of course ;) Just think, it can only get better tomorrow.

Lisa Wheeler Milton said...

I was so crappy & pissy yesterday it's a wonder my family isn't looking for a replacement model.

So sorry you had a bad day too.

(The dead rabbit? That'd get me too. We had one a while back and it really bummed me out.)

Melanie said...

Oh, man. I HEAR YOU. WTF is up with the toddler on toddler violence these days?

I blame global warming, which is probably responsible for that dead rabbit, too.

I wish we could drink together.

Angela DeRossett said...

Ah yes, the tae-kwon-do... a necessary evil at times...

Skiplovey said...

That IS funny! and not whiny, sounds like a toddler-tastic day to me, ugh.

Thank god for distilled spirits. And weekends.

Kat said...

Ah yes. Those days. I know them well. Except I don't think I handle them as well as you did. I usually start throwing my own toddler tantrum. Pathetic.
Glad the glasses of wine put things in a better light. :)

S said...

oh rima. sometimes it well and truly sucks.

hugs to you.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you earned that wine.
Now I am really curious what Lithuanian pop music even sounds like. Almost curious enough to google.

Anonymous said...

Don't you just love being a parent some days? Mine have 9 years between them - one being 15 and seen as an adult for a plane seat! I have to split them up whenever they are in the same room, it's relentless!
What happened to the rabbit?

Karen MEG said...

Uh, OUCHIE on the head. What a horrible day; I too, enjoy the sibling "love" (ugh!).

hope you had a nice glass of something to soothe your aches.

Poor bunny!

MamaGeek @ Works For Us said...

You are NOT going to believe this. But I can top it. We had TWO dead bunnies. BABY bunnies.

I sh!t you not.

Anyway, I feel ya.

Kelly said...

Okay, this was SO what I needed to read today. I am not alone. said...

"...when he came in for his next approach, I totally blocked him with a tae-kwon-do move."

I've done that. To a toddler. It's also a very primal move.

Invariably, this would also be one of those days when my husband would come home with a bee in his bonnet, look at the laundry baskets all over, and ask me what the heck I've been doing all day. That's when I'd pull another tae-kwon-do move.

Anyway, I'm glad you decided to share. I do appreciate feeling part of a tribe, even a cyber tribe.

justmylife said...

Just remember we laugh with you not at you! I have had these kinds of days, too many to count. Drink heavily and relish the thought that they too will have kids someday and with any luck they will be just like them! heh!!

Victoria said...

In the words of my five year old girlie..."Oh, *snap*".

Hope today is better. Sorry about the bunny.

Suburban Correspondent said...

They just do that sort of thing to torture us. It's awful. Have more kids, and you won't even notice it (much).

Sarahviz said...

"...putting gel beads that had fallen out of some kid's leaking diaper from the swirly slide right into his pie hole"

This made me shudder. And totally sympathize with you! I've had days like that.

(Found you via Jen at Get In the Car--love your blog!)