Wednesday, July 23, 2008

I'm Just a Kid

Today is my birthday and I have writer's block.  I feel that I should have something marginally important to say, but I don't.

There's only this: thirty-five is not nearly as old as I once thought it would be. But you knew that already.

When the P-Dawg got into medical school, I remember counting forward through all the years that would be "wasted" with school and residency before, as I then saw it, our lives could begin.

By my calculations, we would both be thirty-three when all was said and done - there would be no choice but to go straight from our apartment into the old folks' home.  Yet here I am, squarely in my thirties and you wouldn't even know it, save for the trick knee.

Okay, and the metabolism.  Plus that frumpy mom aura that keeps following me around, compelling me to put squares of toilet paper down before sitting on a public commode and say things like "Do you think I put those barrettes in your hair for my health???"

(Which I did say, just the other day, in fact, and I'll tell you something: it felt right.  Although it appeared to have zero impact on the V-meister, who simply continued dragging her recently washed mane back and forth through a plate full of spaghetti.)  

For most of my life to date, I've been waiting.  But now that I'm at that place that was always just a speck on the horizon, I can't help but notice that I've covered some pretty quality ground. Every event or accomplishment upon which I place real value - my marriage, the birth of my children, my decision to write in this space regularly, regardless of how clumsy my words feel - has transpired during a period of time that I once dismissed as limbo.

Every year on my birthday, my mom calls in the morning.  Usually she and my dad will get on the horn and sing "Happy Birthday" as soon as I pick up.  No matter how many times they do it, I can't help but stand there holding my coffee mug and grinning like a fool at the image of the two of them huddled around the rotary phone, singing at the top of their lungs.  It makes me feel as though I'm ten and just woke up to a Strawberry Shortcake bike with a glitter infused banana seat and sparkly handlebar streamers.

And here I am, thirty-five.


zdoodlebub said...

Happy Birthday, kiddo! I turned 37 on July 16 - and didn't really reflect on it until July 20, when I finally slapped something up on the old blog.

Two thoughts.

1. I felt much the same about being this age when I was younger than this age. That, for all intents and purposes, there wouldn't be much going on and that I'd have it all figured out.


2. I said to my boys today for the first time, "Do you think it's mommy's favorite thing in the world to sweep this floor?"

One said no and the other said yes.

Sarahviz said...

Yeah, me too. 35, I mean. Somehow I feel like I should be ALL THAT I AM MEANT TO BE at this age, but then I come to my senses and think, "Screw it." 40 is the new 30, right?

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Rima, gosh, just a spring chicken!

When I was a teenager I worked out I would be 37 in the year 2000 - which was light years away and we all expected to drive around in hover cars and live in space watching our personal robots do all the chores(didn't we?.

When it got to 2000 It was "whoa - how did this happen so fast".

However you are only as old as you feel and I feel 20.

Marmite Breath said...

Happy Birthday, Rima! Hope you have a lovely big slice of cake and some wine.

JCK said...

Happy Birthday, sweet lady. God, I loved this post. You shine, Sistuh! I come here always to read something good. And if this is writer's block, I'm DEATH.

Glad you have wonderful parents. That image made me smile, too.

Candy said...

You're the third blogger I know with a birthday today! How bizarre!

Janet said...

Happy Birthday, friend. And, I dunno, it reads like you had something important to say today, from where I sit.

Also, your title has these lyrics running through my head now: I'm just a teenage dirtbag, baby, like you.

Not that you are anything close to a dirtbag, I'm just that I still think I'm a pop punk teenager, apparently, listening to Wheatus in my spare time. 37 year olds everywhere are embarassed by me.

AJU5's Mom said...

Happy birthday!
And to think I thought I was old on Monday when I turned 30... but you are younger than 2 of my siblings and less than 2 months older than the other... so you aren't that old yet!

Skiplovey said...

Happy Birthday Rima-baby!

For someone with writer's block, you're still pretty funny. "Trick knee" bwaa haa

And you still had a bunch to say. Geez when I get writer's block it's more like "and um the weather and um yeah, traffic sucks ok the end."

Also, yeah what a crazy thing the thirties are turning out to be. I totally expecting massive stuff to be done by now and all this confidence and "I totally know what I'm doing-ness".

I guess next stop is crouching around the phone with Ben singing Nate happy birthday at top volume. My god I think that'll happen sooner than I'm ready.

Loralee Choate said...

Happy freaking birthday you wonderful woman you!

Jenna said...

Happy Birthday, Rima! My parents do the sing-song every single year, too.

I'll be 35 in a couple of months, and while I was starting to feel old and haggered, you have lifted me up.

Melissa said...

Happy birthday to the most exciting, sexiest woman alive!

(OK, maybe that's what I wished someone had told ME when I turned 35. Either way, I'm sorry this came from me and not some hunky soccer player from Argentina...)


Becca said...

Happy birthday and many more!!

I agree, cake and wine are in order.

Vodka Mom said...

If I could sing (and trust me, I can't) I would. So, instead, a martini. In your honor. Live each day, love each day, and be happy.

Shania said...

I turned 40 on my last bday, so you'll get no sympathy here, you whippersnapper! Now, fetch mah cane and help me to the couch! and have a great birthday too.

Mrs. Schmitty said...

Happy Birthday!

Angela DeRossett said...

Have yourself a great birthday...old woman. Not all of us realize it's not that old. I am 32... I have 3 full years left before that reality has to hit. So there.

Have yourself a few drinkaramas for me!

Little Miss Sunshine State said...

Happy Birthday!
I'll be 51!!!!! 51????? on the 26th.
I think the past 15 years of my life have really been about getting wiser (I didn't say smarter).

Your parents sound cute.

angela | the painted house said...

Happy birthday!

I can husband (who went through med school, residency with me as the naive willing accomplice) and I would wistfully wish for 30 because we (he) would be done with residency and finally have a real job. Now we wistfully wish for 40 because certainly we will have our loans paid off by then, right? But, you are right, there has been some good living in those "lost" years!

MamaGeek @ Works For Us said...

Happy Birthday Rima! 35 is the new 29. Or so I hear.

And I'm dying to know if you sing back to your parents. "I'm 35 years old, I'm 35 years old ... "

Hope you were pampered and had fun.

Karen Jensen said...

Happy birthday, my friend!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday! I hope you get the trifecta for your birthday. You'll have to search my blog for the answer to that.


Waiting Amy said...

Happy (belated) Birthday Rima!

I so relate to this post! "For most of my life to date, I've been waiting." -- this is where my blog name comes from! All those things I've been waiting for these last years. I'm happy to know there's some sort of light at the end. And you are right, some pretty phenomenal things have happened to us in those residency years -- but I'm still glad they're over!

And my mom still calls me and sings too!

KC said...

Happy Birthday!!!

Your parents sound so sweet.

It's a good time to reflect how blessed you are.


flutter said...

You rule. period.

Miss said...

Happy birthday young lady!!

Kelly said...

Happy Belated Birthday!

Anonymous said...

HAPPY (LATE) BIRTHDAY! I'd love to take a spin on the Strawberry Shortcake bike.

AJU5's Mom said...

Tag - You're it!

AJU5's Mom said...

Tag - You're it!

Karen MEG said...

Happy belated birthday, miss Rima.

And yes, 40 is the new 20, so you indeed, are still a baby.

I'd so fight you for your Strawberry Shortcake wheels, too.

Jennifer S said...

I love this post. May your birthday feel every bit like you woke up to that bike.

Happy Birthday!

Heather said...

Happy Birthday! (belated, I'm sorry!)

I'm 34 and 35 is not old AT ALL. Though I wonder if this means we've entered our middle age? God, I hope not.

justmylife said...

I am late to the game, but Happy Birthday!!! Sometimes real life just gets in the way of my computer time! No 35 is not old, I passed it almost 4 years ago! I am now clawing, scratching and digging in to keep from hitting 40!

Lisa Wheeler Milton said...

Happy birthday, well, um, last week.

Hope it was happy.