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Jul-15-2007 18:41printcomments

Oregon Senator: Transition U.S. Forces to Fight Terrorists, Not Civil Wars

Senator Gordon Smith is lead Republican in effort to transition U.S. troops.

Senator Gordon Smith

(WASHINGTON, D.C.) - Oregon Senator Gordon Smith became the lead Republican co-sponsor behind an amendment in the Senate that would put U.S. troops on a glide path out of Iraq, allowing for greater focus on combating terrorists.

“We need to be fighting terrorists not civil wars,” Smith said. “Iraq’s peace is one they must win on their own; we cannot win it for them. Our might should be focused on stopping terrorists who are plotting to bring harm to the United States.”

The amendment to the Defense Authorization Bill calls for a troop reduction to begin 120 days after enactment with troop withdrawal by the spring of 2008.

The amendment will allow military forces to combat terrorists who are operating in Iraq and train, equip and provide logistical support to Iraqi security forces.

Senator Smith is offering the amendment with Democratic Senators Carl Levin of Michigan and Jack Reed of Rhode Island.

The Senate is expected to consider the measure this week.

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S.LaMarche; July 16, 2007 3:33 am (Pacific time)

You could have ended it in August like you and yours lied about doing in January, remember that one Gordon?, I know it was to keep your jobs, I understand of course. Those who have died since you all lied? don't know if they understand the duplicity of politics as the greater majority of theose killed and wounded aren't old enough to vote. You ought to be ashamed of yourselves for the exploitation of the voters you conned the first, or second , or every other time. I was one of the ones you all lied to. Thank you very much.

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