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Jul-22-2007 07:55printcomments

Crocodile Hunter Steve Irwin Honored with Wildlife Reserve

Irwin was killed when a poisonous stingray barb pierced his chest as he swam on the Great Barrier Reef last September.

steve irwin photo

(BRISBANE, Australia) - The late "Crocodile Hunter" Steve Irwin, who was killed in a stingray attack last year, is being honored with a new wildlife reserve in the Outback of Australia, the government announced Sunday.

The 333,585 acres of land near Weipa in the far north of Irwin's home state of Queensland will be named after the popular television host and managed by his family, Environment Minister Malcolm Turnbull told the AP.

The area includes habitats for the endangered northern quoll, a carnivorous marsupial, and the speartooth shark, as well as an important gallery of dry vine forests.

Irwin, who spent part of the money he earned from his television show on animal conservation projects, was killed when a poisonous stingray barb pierced his chest as he swam on the Great Barrier Reef last September.

His family vowed to continue his conservation work.

Prime Minister John Howard told the AP the new park was an important addition to Australia's national reserve system, "and is a fitting tribute to a passionate environmentalist and a great Australian."

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