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Jan-25-2008 20:25printcomments

Three Walk Away from Plane Crash South of Chemult

The pilot didn't know the ground was snow covered.

Crashed Cessna near Chemult, Oregon 1-25-08
Photograph Source: Oregon State Police

(CHEMULT, Ore.) - Three people escaped injured Friday afternoon when the plane they were in flipped onto its top while attempting to land at a small plane landing in Beaver Marsh south of Chemult.

Oregon State Police Sergeant Mark Crisp says that today around 2:20 PM, a Cessna 172 operated by 41-year old William Boyd of Hillsboro, was flying in the area of Crater Lake with two other occupants when he attempted to land at Beaver Marks air landing strip west of Highway 97.

Unknown to Boyd, the landing strip had about three feet of snow on it and as the plane touched down it flipped onto its top.

None of the people in the plane were injured. The other occupants were 37-year old Jonathan Edelson of Israel, and 36-year old Benyamin Pazit of Hillsboro.

Oregon State Police Sergeant Crisp was about one mile away from the air strip when he heard the call and responded. He hiked approximately 1/2 mile to the location. The occupants walked away from the crash aircraft.

OSP was assisted by Klamath County Sheriff's Office, ODOT and Chemult Ambulance. The occupants were driven to Bend to obtain a car to leave the area. FAA was notified of the incident.

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Peter Pilot December 12, 2008 12:25 pm (Pacific time)

Read Cows Blow Grass DownHill! Art Lazzarini Runway conditions is a consideration! we can all learn from his mistake...

wwingsong February 9, 2008 9:25 pm (Pacific time)

whats the problem in minnesota he would have won the spot landing contest and free pancakes ta boot

someguy January 31, 2008 12:56 pm (Pacific time)

Well, first of all I agree with BUTTHERE. A guy made a mistake. Big whoop. It happens to the best of us. Just turned out worse for this guy. Just lucky it wasn't a busy area and no one was hurt. For all he knew, it could have been a shallow inch of snow on the ground. Hard to tell from the air. Second of all for the gent below, I am sure he attempted a soft field landing as well as a light touchdown as all pilots probably would have. Unfortunately the snow was too deep which caused the plane to slow down quite rapidly forcing the nose down and causing the flip. As for it "making pilots appear completely ignorant" its one guy, not all of us. I don't know about anyone else, but I dont feel or look any more undeducated then I already am. I do however commend John Q. Pilot for that information off airnav. Probably should have taken a look at that first.

oldnotboldpilot January 30, 2008 12:27 pm (Pacific time)

Another additon to the volume of STUPID PILOT TRICKS. I am happy that no one was injured, but there were so many mistakes, it's hard to believe. I wouldn't even attempt this strip anymore in my 180 during the summer. It has not been maintained for years and should have been decommissioned. But, a glance during a low approach should have told the whole story. And judging from the tire marks, he didn;t even try a soft field landing or light touchdown. Now, if it had been an emergency, that was a pretty good place to aim. But just imagine, snow in the Cascades, during January! Who would have thought.............

John Q. Pilot January 29, 2008 8:18 am (Pacific time)

You people are scaring me with your comments. If this were an emergency landing due to mechanical difficulties than so be it. It is CLOSED WINTER MONTHS...and sorry landing in 3 feet of snow BUTTHERE does not work with your comment of "You've never made a mistake?". This was not a mistake it was stupid, call it like it is. If you feel this is a :but for the grace of God go I" then I hope you always stay in God's good graces ;-) God is has ultimate wisdom and he would think this is stupid. It makes all pilots look bad, sorry face the truth. I am thankful everyone was ok.

Anonymous January 29, 2008 7:28 am (Pacific time)

Good luck getting a brief from FSS...I got better things to do then wait on hold for an hour. Yes he should have recognized that there was too much snow to land but just because there is tree around doesn't mean you can't land there.

Curu January 28, 2008 9:13 pm (Pacific time)

Come on give the guy a break he wont ever do it again... Promise :)

Anonymous January 28, 2008 11:38 am (Pacific time)

And he will probably be voting!

BUTTHERE January 27, 2008 7:28 pm (Pacific time)

But, there for the grace of God go I. So, big shot pilot dude - you've NEVER made a mistake? Good for you - most of us aren't that ... God-like.

Joe Camel January 27, 2008 6:01 pm (Pacific time)

Excellent STOL characteristics

Joe Camel January 27, 2008 6:03 pm (Pacific time)

Excellent STOL characteristics

John Q. Pilot January 27, 2008 3:48 pm (Pacific time)

Forget NOTAMS how about checking or AFD: Runway information: Dimensions - 4500 x 60 ft. / 1372 x 18 m 15 FEET RY WIDTH USBL IN CENTER; RUNWAY OVERGROWN WITH BUSHES AND SMALL TREES. Surface: dirt, in poor condition DIRT SURFACE LOOSE and POWDERY, CREATES CLOUDS OF DUST; LOOSE ROCKS ON SFC, ROUGH....and for the grand finale ADDITIONAL REMARKS: CLSD WINTER MONTHS!!!!!!!!!!!

Mad at Mr. Boyd January 27, 2008 12:20 pm (Pacific time)

I'm a pilot and accidents like this are simply inexcusable. I'd have some sympathy for Mr. Boyd had he been executing an emergency landing to this field and didn't have any other options. There is snow and trees everywhere, with no evidence of plowing. Honestly, how could Mr. Boyd NOT know there was snow on the ground???? Thanks, Mr. Boyd, for making pilots appear completely ignorant!

Me January 25, 2008 10:34 pm (Pacific time)

Gee, I wonder if he got a weather brief and NOTAM check from the new Flight Service!!!???

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Sean Flynn was a photojournalist in Vietnam, taken captive in 1970 in Cambodia and never seen again.
