
What Happened to the Values Voters?

A proposal to amend the Wisconsin Constitution to ban civil unions and gay marriage passed by a 2-1 margin. The Republican-controlled legislature wanted this on the ballot to help Mark Green in his race against Gov. Jim Doyle. The strategy failed, as Doyle easily won reelection.

Right wing extremist John Gard was recruited to run for the congressional seat that Green vacated. He's exactly the kind of whacko who, in years past, has appealed to "values voters." Gard also expected a boost from the gay marriage amendment, but the folks in the Green Bay area -- known for their love of football, God, and hunting (with God and hunting vying for second place) -- chose Steve Kagen, a popular physician who happens to be a Democrat.

The cynical ploy to turn out "values voters" by allowing them to cast a gay-hating vote didn't work. They cast their anti-gay votes, then many of them voted for Democrats, who seized control of the state senate. This election was plainly not about "values" in the Karl Rove sense of the word. It was about not valuing the governance that Republicans have provided in Wisconsin and across the country in recent years.

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    Speaking of Wisconsin.. (none / 0) (#1)
    by kdog on Wed Nov 08, 2006 at 08:57:32 AM EST
    What's up withn Senselessbrenner getting re-elected?  Is there a high instance of mental illness in that district or something?  There isn't a scarier dude in the House IMO.

    The values voters turned out in droves... (none / 0) (#2)
    by Bill Arnett on Wed Nov 08, 2006 at 11:04:57 AM EST
    ...and it is clear that the values they voted on, corruption, Iraq, the economy, etc., were all issues that broke against the GOP big time!

    This is the greatest repudiation of a political party and their agenda I have ever seen. Even 1994 doesn't compare, since the rethugs did not take both houses at the same time.

    And kdog, don't sweat Sensenbrenner, he will no longer be chairman of a committee or able to influence legislation brought by Democrats, so he has been rather effectively NEUTERED! He's just another body filling a seat now.

    Same for DUNCAN HUNTER, too, whom I bet is cryin' in his beer right now!

    No worries... (none / 0) (#3)
    by kdog on Wed Nov 08, 2006 at 12:21:13 PM EST
    Bill...I don't sweat two-bit wannabe tyrants..lol.

    Just wonder how they manage to get re-elected is all...do 60% of the people in his district think selling a doobie should be a felony?  Weird man.


    hey, i'm a values voter! (none / 0) (#4)
    by cpinva on Wed Nov 08, 2006 at 01:37:19 PM EST
    and my values did not comport with the republican party. for the first time in many elections in va, my vote for a democrat actually mattered!

    alright boys & girls, drink up, time to get to work!