Monday, January 12, 2009

Jared of Kings of Leon's Pre-Party Playlist

Kings of Leon's bassist Jared Followill is currently featured on the Myspace's Celebrity Music Playlist. Of his amazing "Getting Ready to Go Out" playlist, Jared noted:

I usually blare these songs and go ahead and start drinking to get me in the right head space. It's also a good fall back to have if other parties fall through and the party has to be at my place. Listen to the playlist HERE.
  1. Joy Division - Love Will Tear Us Apart
  2. Cut Copy - Lights & Music
  3. Tom Vek - One Horse Race
  4. Radiohead - Bodysnatchers
  5. Grizzly Bear - Knife
  6. The Whigs - Right Hand on My Heart
  7. MGMT - Time to Pretend
  8. M83 - Kim & Jessie
  9. Junior Boys - In the Morning
  10. Crystal Castles - Vanished

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