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The idioms section has had a display problem recently, with some html code appearing, so people may have seen entries with same strange bits using < >. Sorry for this; I have been going through and removing them.

If you see any idioms that I have missed, please let me know.

Categories: UsingEnglish Content


There is a certain idiom, and about its particulars my wife and I, both native speakers of English, disagree. She says "whatever blows your skirt," and means, somewhat disparagingly, "whatever." I cannot recall exactly how this idiom is constructed, but I think it is something about "blowing air up your skirt," and I think it pertains to flattery, or trying to fool someone. I have been unable to find anything on this on the internet. Can anyone please help on this?

I hadn't heard it used, but the examples I have found seem to be using the 'whatever' meaning, like this one:

dr: Of course it should be, but I trust you will agree that metaphorical logic ought ultimately to yield pride of place to decorum?

DR: I suppose so. I mean, whatever blows your skirt up--

The definition in UrbanDictionary is along the same lines:
Short version of the link:

According to one blog, it's a reference to pop culture, but I haven't found out what that is yet:

I have never heard "whatever blows your skirt" but it reminds me of "whatever floats your boat."

Just a guess............

It could have very well come from the ever famous photograph of Marilyn Monroe standing over the sidewalk vent with her skirt blown up

"Whatever blows your skirt up"........"Whatever turns you on"

As I said, just a guess

It simply means do whatever makes you happy or brings you pleasure even if it seems absurd. Most women wouldn't dare stand over a sidewalk vent and allow their skirt to be blown up, but that's exactly what "blew Marilyn's skirt up" and she seemed to enjoy it.

And to that end I say, "Don't knock it until you've tried it!"

In the early 20th century, there was a seaside park/resort complex in Brooklyn NY called Coney Island. One of the 'fun-house' places included a location where a midget (little person) operated a hidden air-blast that briefly blew a strong blast up ladies skirts, usually exposing their underthings to a waiting crowd. This might be one source of the expression.

An interesting point- as a British English speaker, I have only heard of Coney Island from songs.

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