May 21, 2007

‘Fred Thompson’s Little Red Truck’

That former Sen. Fred Thompson (R-Tenn.) is moving forward with a presidential bid is hardly open to question anymore. Today, he hired a campaign manager (a former top aide to H.W. Bush), which is usually a reliable precursor to an announcement.

With this in mind, we can now expect the onslaught of little-red-truck stories. A few weeks ago, Noam Scheiber and Bob Somerby had a bit of a debate about how the media would cover the little red truck that helped Thompson get elected to the Senate in 1994. Scheiber argued that everyone would soon know that Thompson’s truck schtick was a fraud, little more than a phony prop. Somerby noted that everyone would not know because the media wouldn’t bother to report the story accurately.

Sorry, Noam, Somerby wins this round. Consider this gem from the new issue of Newsweek.

Folks in Franklin, Tenn., think they’ll know when Fred Thompson decides to run for president. Parked in Thompson’s mother’s driveway is the rusting red Chevy pickup that the former senator turned actor drove all over the state during his two U.S. Senate campaigns. He drove the truck to Washington in 1994 after he was elected to fill an unexpired term and used it as a populist stunt again during his re-election campaign, often giving speeches from the lowered tailgate. “People are watching that truck like hawks,” says the Southern Baptist Convention’s Richard Land, who also lives in Franklin. “Nobody can imagine he won’t use it if he runs.” […]

Thompson, who now lives in Virginia, hasn’t driven his pickup in several years. The paint is peeling and its U.S. Senate license plates expired back in 2002. Mark Corallo, a spokesman, says Thompson “just hasn’t had the heart to sell her.”

This couldn’t be any less informative. I obviously don’t want to speak for Somerby, but this appears to be far worse than he imagined.

Way back in 1996, Michelle Cottle explained the reality.

True story: it is a warm evening in the summer of 1995. A crowd has gathered in the auditorium of a suburban high school in Knoxville, Tennessee. Seated in the audience is a childhood friend of mine who now teaches at the school. On stage is Republican Sen. Fred Dalton Thompson, the lawyer/actor elected in 1994 to serve out the remainder of Vice President Al Gore’s Senate term (when Gore’s appointed successor retired after just two years). The local TV stations are on hand as Thompson wraps up his presentation on tax reform, in the plain-spoken, down-to-earth style so familiar to those who have seen him in any of his numerous film and television performances.

Finishing his talk, Thompson shakes a few hands, then walks out with the rest of the crowd to the red pickup truck he made famous during his 1994 Senate campaign. My friend stands talking with her colleagues as the senator is driven away by a blond, all-American staffer. A few minutes later, my friend gets into her car to head home. As she pulls up to the stop sign at the parking lot exit, rolling up to the intersection is Senator Thompson, now behind the wheel of a sweet silver luxury sedan. He gives my friend a slight nod as he drives past. Turning onto the main road, my friend passes the school’s small, side parking area. Lo and behold: There sits the abandoned red pickup, along with the all-American staffer.

Thompson didn’t have an old red pickup, he leased it as a campaign prop. He didn’t even drive the thing — as Kevin Drum recently noted, “Basically, he just drove the thing the final few hundred feet before each campaign event, and then ditched it for something nicer as soon as he was out of sight of the yokels.”

Not a word of this appeared in the Newsweek piece, which suggests Thompson really did drive the red pickup “all over the state.”

Expect to hear quite a bit more of this in the coming weeks, after Thompson makes his announcement.


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On May 21st, 2007 at 1:27 pm, Racerx said:

The wingnuts will never learn to think for themselves, but this time someone will film him pulling his bullshit switcheroo and it will immediately be on YouTube for all to see, despite the media blackout.

We might even catch him in a “Macaca moment” or two.

The media filter is off. Thompson will be playing on a whole new ballfield than he was on before.

On May 21st, 2007 at 1:33 pm, RSA said:

Fred Thompson and The Little Red Truck That Could. A story to warm the hearts of conservatives at the second grade reading level.

On May 21st, 2007 at 1:42 pm, op99 said:

Fred should check with Janet Reno first. The red pickup schtick didn’t work so well for her in her Florida gubernatorial bid.

On May 21st, 2007 at 1:54 pm, The answer is orange said:

CB, you’re burning out my irony-o-meter. At 12.40 we read:

In her interview with Al Gore this morning, ABC’s Diane Sawyer displayed the media’s propensity to focus on their “serial obsessions” rather than substantive issues that currently affect the country.

At 13.20 we have Thompson’s little red truck.


I know you’re sick of pondering the follies and evils of Shrubtasmagoria but come on.

On May 21st, 2007 at 1:59 pm, The Next to Last Pope said:

I hear Rudy is going to get a little red fire truck to pretend to drive around in to remind everybody of how heroic he and the fire fighters were after 9/11. He was mayor of New York then, you know. He walked around very heroically with a mask on and everything. Right next to the wreckage of the towers. With real firemen. And police officers.

On May 21st, 2007 at 2:04 pm, bjobotts said:

Well, big surprise. You have to be performance oriented to be an actor, or a politician it seems. The show must go on. And the actors mantra is: If you believe it…they will.

On May 21st, 2007 at 2:05 pm, David said:

Can you imagine if Al Gore or any of the other Dems tried to pull the same stunt? The media would crucify him. Why are the republicans always getting a free pass on this crap?

On May 21st, 2007 at 2:12 pm, Mr Furious said:

God, I hope he tries that shit.

On May 21st, 2007 at 2:14 pm, Ed said:

#1 – My money is on Giuliani getting Macaca’d on the campaign trail – this year, by the Elephants.

Thompson will combust. His recent National Review article – bashing Michael Moore for Sicko – was stupid in the extreme and will come back to bite him when the film is shown here. If the Dems can make healthcare a 2008 issue, and Thompson will have this May 2007 article stuck in every orifice – it made no relevant argument, glossed over the problems of our own healthcare system, and completely missed the point about why the 9/11 first-responders ended up in Havana for treatment.

Did I mention that Thompson dissed heroes of 9/11?


On May 21st, 2007 at 2:19 pm, mellowjohn said:

what would the pick-up truck equivalent of “all hat and no cattle” be?
maybe “all bed and no cargo?”

On May 21st, 2007 at 2:30 pm, doubtful said:

This would never work; as if the country would ever fall for a charade like this. It’s almost as unreasonable as accepting a New Englander with a Texas drawl on a ranch clearing brush.

Sure, we’d never buy something so far fetched.

On May 21st, 2007 at 2:48 pm, Dale said:

Let’s just hope someone fixes Thompson’s little red wagon.

On May 21st, 2007 at 3:30 pm, Carl said:

So did Fred Thompson own the truck or rent it? Somerby says that he rented it. Newsweek says that it is de-registered and parked in his mother’s driveway. I suppose it’s possible that both are true–he rented it during the campaign and bought it afterwards or something–but it looks more likely that either Bob or the Newsweek reporter has the facts wrong.

On May 21st, 2007 at 5:13 pm, Alibubba said:

Who cares? Thompson’s Little Red Truck will be garaged at the White House before the Democrats face down George Bush. In their grassroots effort to once again lose the White House, they have apparently caved again by offering up a spending bill — with no timelines and extra spending at all — that His Highness may deign to sign. Of course, if the Royal Brat doesn’t like it, they’ll have to stamp their little feet and whine their little whine about bad old Republicans, and cough up a bill that includes no timelines, benchmarks, or restraint on the president — but adds free drilling rights to Exxon in the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. Then they can go pat themselves on the back (with Bush’s permission) for their courageous leadership.

Fred’s red truck ain’t the only fraud in town.

On May 21st, 2007 at 5:35 pm, -jay inge- said:

Thompson is perfect for the Repugs. It is, for them, always about presenting a populist image to disguise an elitist agenda. Like Regan and Bush, Thompson will appeal to the clueless good ol’ boys, another con artist for the greedy, the comfortable, the corporations. We’ll hear the same whining about taxes, freedom of the individual spirit (to screw the planet), godless lib’ruls, family values, “evilution,” etc., etc. Probably 49% of America will vote for him, confirming the madness of a sizable portion of the “conservative” voter base who, like the whimsical definition of insanity, keeping doing the same thing again and again, while expecting something different.

On May 21st, 2007 at 6:27 pm, Edo said:

what would the pick-up truck equivalent of “all hat and no cattle” be? maybe “all bed and no cargo?”

How about “all 4WD and no dirt”?
“all steel and no dents”? (or rust)

On May 22nd, 2007 at 12:01 am, merlallen said:

If a Connecticut blue blood can get away with playing “plain ol’ Texas rancher” then the Hollywood Actor Thompson can get away with this.
Why is it so hard to leave a comment here?

On May 22nd, 2007 at 10:29 am, Chris said:

If Rudy runs around in a little red fire truck, it’ll be historically inaccurate unless:

1. It’s got communications devices that don’t work with anyone else’s. Not like that got anyone killed on 9/11.

2. He parks it in the most dangerous place possible. Not like putting a counter-terrorism center in the place that’s been a target of past terrorism. Not like that got anyone killed on 9/11.

3. He appoints the guy who *drives* his little red fire truck to some high political office for which he’s woefully unqualified except that, well, Rudy *knows* him and he acts like a tough guy. At least that was only crooked and nepotistic, instead of getting anyone killed on 9/11.

On January 13th, 2008 at 6:47 pm, derek said:

Fred Thompson is CFR scum. If he cared about American Sovereignty and borders he would not be a part of the corrupt cfr. You don’t join the kkk if you aren’t a racist do you?. Thompson was also a lobbyist for years. He fought for asbestis companies so people that got sick couldn’t fight them. Scumbag. Ron Paul is the only candidate who hasn’t sold out his country. Following the constitution is just so radical isn’t it.