Saturday, January 26, 2008

Bill Maher believes in aliens?

It was the end of the show (Real Time) last night and they were doing the segment called "Blogga Please," where Bill reads email questions for the panel. One of the questions was what everyone thought about the Texas UFO sighting. Richard Belzer, who obviously reads this blog and The Orange Orb reminded everyone that UFO doesn't mean alien craft. He then went on to explain that it could be a secret US craft to which Bill Maher said: but wouldn't it be more likely to be an alien craft? Maybe not those exact words, but approximately that is what Maher said. And no, he didn't seem to be joking.


Regan Lee said...

I know! I saw that too -- at first I thought Maher was going to make fun of UFOs, but my impression was, he wasn't at all. And he made a very good point about belief in religions, yet "normal" people who are religious see nothing wrong with making fun of UFOs, aliens, or those who "believe" in them.

Not that surprising about Maher, I've heard him say in the past that he believes in ghosts and the paranormal.

And I love Belzer; his book Elvis, UFOS, etc. (forget the exact title) that came out years ago; while very funny, makes some serious points about "belief" in UFOs and conspiracies.

LesleyinNM said...

I have been watching Maher since back when he had his nightly network show and he normally seems very skeptical of anything paranormal, spiritual, the least bit esoteric. We all know his views on religion. So to me it was shocking to hear such a thing come from him since he always wants proof for everything. Somehow I missed him saying he believes in ghosts.