2007 Pulitzer Prize for Feature Phtography

2007 Pulitzer Prizes-FEATURE PHOTOGRAPHY, Works Photographer Renee C. Byer won the Pulitzer Prize for Feature Photography for 2007 for a series of 20 photographs that she ran in the Sacramento Bee chronicling Cyndie and Derek Madsen. Cyndie is a single mother of five and the photographs tell the story of her loss of her 10 year old son Derek to cancer.

It’s a troubling, moving and emotional series of photographs that show in the most poignent way how powerful photography can be.

These photographs broke my heart.

7 Replies to “2007 Pulitzer Prize for Feature Phtography”

  1. oof. Between seeing this and reading about late-term abortions due to life-threatening malformities in the baby, I’m starting to see the risk that comes with the joy of reproducin’. Thanks Thomas, I think I needed that.

  2. I was absolutely floored viewing this series of photos. I took a moment to share this on my blog and with a few choice friends. Amazing.

  3. What a powerful look into a family’s unfortunate, devastating situation. The family will be in my thoughts.

    I will just share this glimpse of hope for others. I coach U-10 soccer and have a boy on my team going into his third year of remission for Leukemia. He has had to withstand weekly Chemo and steroid treatments for more then 24 months and will until his 3 year date. It is a constant up and down affair, with the drugs being so strong both physically and emotionally. Everything is looking good for him right now, if you didn’t know his history it would be difficult to tell what he has been through.

    I know that there are thousands of stories on both sides of this. For me, this is an important reminder of how fragile life can be and to enjoy every minute of it, today!


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