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Guess, discover and favorite the fonts that you love. Like everyone else in this business, Andreas likes coffee. He’d really appriciate a cup from you, if you like the game and want to play further than the first level. He’ll throw in another font pack or two or maybe three down the road without asking for more liquids. Have fun guessing some fonts, you nerd!

The man behind Font Nerd is the Copenhagen based graphic designer Andreas M. Hansen, who has always been a natural graphic talent. Andreas finished his education as graphic designer in the summer 2012 and have been working hard to develop his career further. A frustration towards a chaotic job market intensified Andreas’ will towards creating design and realizing graphic dreams as Font Nerd. Andreas’ background for creating this font game is, beside his passion for typography and graphic design, based on his past position as a graphic design student in one of the most successful learning companies in the world, Area9.

Font nerd is a must-have iPhone app for everyone interested in design and typography, kindly sponsered by https://typeforyou.org!


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