5 thoughts on “Friends and multi-boxers FTW

  1. It’s one thing to say that multiboxers will benefit, but the thing is that multiboxing has a very steep learning curve, and that those who are already good at it will not benefit from this program since they have already signed up for multiple accounts. Multiboxing newbies will for sure benefit this way, but the difficulty warrants very few people to try it out at all.

  2. Greg is perfect, all the old roleplayers should be targets too. I’m working on two guys here too…I’d even level a bit with them regularly if we made a game-night of it.

  3. Pingback: Free levels, 3x Experience, lots of money, and nothing but pixels to show for it « Dazed and Confused

  4. Pingback: Free levels, 3x Experience, lots of money, and nothing but pixels to show for it « Dazed and Confused In Azeroth

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