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Monday, January 5, 2009

Perfect Moment Monday: Indulgences

Perfect Moment Monday is more about noticing a perfect moment than about creating one. Perfect moments are just waiting to be observed, and can be momentous or ordinary or somewhere in between.

We gather here once a week to engage in mindfulness about something that is right with our world, if only for a, well, a moment. Everyone is welcome to join. Details on how to participate are at the bottom of this post, complete with bloggy bling.

Now, here's mine.

I've got some indulgences going on.

Sipping chocolate from my sister. Remember a few years ago when Starbucks had the Chantico, that 6 ounces of decadence? Now I can make myself one of these anytime I think I deserve a little treat. Want some?

And as I sit here, I am doing yoga with my toes. My hope is to create more space in my feet so I can do balance poses more easily. Mom gave me a pair of YogaToes from my wish list, and I've been wearing them for about an hour a day. I must say wearing them feels very weird.

Before the holidays I was gifted with the Superior scribbler Award from my fellow Mile High Mama, Catherine. She won a cow recently, and since she lives in my state, I'm hoping to meet her one day over a burger (she's buying) and talk about her newly published book.

She said some really nice things about me, providing me a perfect moment.

I was indulged yet again by my friend and blog partner Chicklet when she gave me the Red Cape Award. Chicklet is straight and sassy and true behind the scenes -- just like you would expect from her straight, sassy and true blog-writing and commenting. 2008 was a wonderful year for me, in large part because of our blooming friendship. I want to actually MEET her in 2009. Or crash at her place during the Olympics in 2010. Hehe.

I'm feeling the love, people. From my chocolate-coated tongue to my straightened toes, and at my heart in-between.


Be sure to follow the other stories/links because as we know, perfect moments can be found in giving and receiving comments. So how about you plant some Perfect Moment seeds and know they'll grow?

Once you make a Perfect Moment post, you are qualified to place this button on your blog.

I Capture
Perfect Moments.

Now. What Perfect Moment have you recently been aware of?

Read about these perfect moments had by these people. Get to know someone new today:


Anonymous said...

I've never heard of yogatoes, how interesting! My yoga instructor always reminds us not to grip the mat with our toes, but this must be something different? I'll have to look into them... :)

nancy said...

I love your perfect moment monday posts. I rarely have a perfect moment on monday, so I've never yet been able to participate :)

Martha@A Sense of Humor is Essential said...

I totally love your indulgences and I am so delighted that you are enjoying them. Gosh, chocolate and yoga toes, sounds like paradise.

Furrow said...

wow, nice yoga toes. I'm glad your wish was granted. I've had many perfect moments over the last week: snuggling in an oversized bed with zo, b, and my dog, a glass of wine and a manicure at 11am, holding a friend's baby on one hip and my own on the other -- talk about balance!

Kami said...

I love drinking chocolate. I think I will need to make some tonight. mmmm. . .

Yeah, I'm late, but better late than never!

MrsSpock said...

My new company provides free coffee, tea, and hot chocolate. I drink a mug of the sugar-free variety every afternoon. Yum, yum.

I naturally have toes that can spread wide. I had no idea it was such a sought-after thing.

chicklet said...

Awww, yer so super sweet too:-)

... even if you do have weird-looking purple toes...

Catherine said...

HOW could I have forgotten the cow picture in my slideshow?? CRAZY.

Anyway, Lori, you really are an inspiration. And if we don't meet up this year I will have to have a serious talk with the universe.

Yoga toes!! I want some!!

Wordgirl said...

Sadly, I too have such long, spaced-out toes my husband often asks me if its easy to climb no yogatoes for me...but I'm totally in on chocolate...

Wouldn't it be nice if we could all do some yoga stretches and then drink chocolate and talk.

Well, I suppose we can -- just separately....



Martha@A Sense of Humor is Essential said...

Hi, Lori, you were so kind to ask for more info ghostly experience, I wanted to let you know I finally blogged about it.
I hope you are having a great day.

Kristin said...

Those yogatoes look odd. It truly does sound like a perfect moment.

Phoebe said...

OMG, a friend of mine gave me that Bellagio chocolate for Christmas and it is DIVINE!!! In fact, when I was drinking mug after mug, I thought, this is something Lori needs to do a review on!

Duffy said...

I miss the Chantico! Good to know there is a homebrewed alternative out there!

Love your indulgences, thanks for sharing with us!