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Friday, June 13, 2008

Closer and Closer the Living Passages

There are many way to enhance our life quality, to draw us near to Him, the creator of Heaven and Earth. To get closer and closer to the Living Passages is one thing we surely need while we live on the earth of temptations.

Christian Cruise is just one way to explore the Living Passages and this will be one memorable moments hard to forget while you exploring the Bible passages through Bible Cruises.

The Christian Cruises offer a Bible based cruises in July 2008. You will be accompanied by Join Bob Cornuke and other amazing teachers during this amazing journey and you are going to sail on a luxury Star Clippers Cruise.

Christian Cruises will start this adventure journey at Athens and Mars Hill, the next destination is Pergamum, they are the important 7 churches site. The next visit is Ephesus to explore the thrill and chill on the place where Paul delivered one of his most moving sermons.

You are going to visit Patmos, and what becomes more excitement is this Christian Cruises will sail you to the actual cave where John had been banished and received the Book of Revelation. Tour to Paul’s cave will be following to the Maritime museum to view the actual anchors.

You will see today reasons behind why many movie producers have chosen this island as their set. To have your complete Tall Sail Adventure Itinerary please visits



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