
Jasa Web Design

Thursday, July 3, 2008

P. Diddy does it. So, apparently, does Jay-Z. And we're not just talking about Brazilians. It's all about the fuulll monty baby.

And why shouldn't they? It's about time men started to understand some of the pain and indignity that generations of women have endured in the name of "hygienic" grooming, (most specifically, we pour some out to the brave women who toughed out those pube torture chambers also known as the J.Sisters Spa and Salon in New York where this whole damn bald is beautiful craze began).

Here's my prediction though: Once more and more dudes get wind of the fact that certain male private parts appear larger sans hair, this will be as big of a craze as the mullet was in Williamsburg a couple years back, but you know, nationwide.

Here's another bonus: Since the economy is ----- ed and WWD cited a recent IRI study that claims families are now sharing more beauty products, you and your man can pool cash for wax and "do" each other at home. It would probably be a really intense bonding experience, no?

Male bikini waxing? So hot or so freakin' not?




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