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Friday, July 18, 2008

The Aug. 1 Solar Eclipse

A total solar eclipse Aug. 1 will be seen only by a handful of observers lucky enough to be in the path, which starts in Canada and runs across the Arctic, through Russia and into China.

For those select few, day will turn to night, the stars will come out (weather permitting), and the moon's blackout of the sun will provide a dazzling visual spectacle that skywatchers will never forget.

The celestial alignment will create a partial eclipse visible across a broader area, including the far northeastern corner of North America and most of Europe and Asia.

Many people go a lifetime never witnessing a total solar eclipse. And in fact we happen to live in a rare moment in the 4.5-billion-year history of our planet when total solar eclipses are just barely possible due to some remarkable solar system alignments.




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