
Jasa Web Design

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Behold the 'Gastrosexuals'

Are you a man? Do you ever cook for yourself? Do you ever cook for other people? Do you cook for other people who are women you are trying to get into bed? (You're probably preparing lots of oysters, then, you sly dog!) Do you actually enjoy cooking? If you answered yes to these questions, you might just be a "Gastrosexual."

Gastrosexuals, per the Daily Mail, are a new breed of man who "use their kitchen prowess to impress friends and prospective partners." Muses include Gordon Ramsay and that "Naked Chef" dude Jamie Oliver, both of whom evidently have to fend off comely females with frying pans due to their ability to whip up tasty meals and look good while doing it. Says a spokesperson for food company PurAsia: "Male Gastrosexuals in particular are no longer content with what they can find at the back of the kitchen cupboard. They are looking for something much more satisfying in terms of taste, participation and effort.'"




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