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Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Throngs of Orthodox mourners packed the funerals Tuesday of six Jews killed in the Mumbai attacks, turning the narrow alleys of one Jerusalem neighborhood into a sea of black coats and hats.

The six died after gunmen struck the Chabad House, the Mumbai headquarters of the Orthodox Lubavitch movement, last Wednesday. Four Israelis, an American Jew and a Mexican woman were among 172 killed in the three-day attack across India's financial capital.

A huge crowd gathered Tuesday outside the red-brick Israeli headquarters of the Chabad movement, whose emissary to Mumbai, Rabbi Gavriel Noach Holtzberg, 29, was murdered along with his 28-year-old wife, Rivkah. Their bodies — hers wrapped in a shroud, his in a prayer shawl — were laid out on a dais outside. They were later taken to Jerusalem for burial, accompanied by thousands of mourners.




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